Part I

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Akio's POV:

I hate when Sakura fan girls over Sasuke. It's all she ever talks about. It's annoying, when I get home Ino is always over there like 'SASUKE~KUN' this 'SASUKE~KUN' that. I usually block out the noise and do my homework. Because I have glasses Sakura calls me four eyes. I call her forehead. I mean call me something too bad. We're going to set in our groups today, I'm hoping for the best.

-Time passes-

On my way to school I get tripped by some kids in my class. My glasses fall and he steps on them. I look up and see it's Sakura. I say "Really Sakura?!" She laughs and I get up and walk off. I go in my bag and grab my extra pair. I go inside and I see Sasuke. I go to the back and grab a seat. I open my book and start reading. It's a book called Icha Icha paradise I'm not a pervert but it's interesting. Iruka Sensai walks in and says "SIT DOWN!" I lift up my glass to where I can see correctly. I close my book and look at sensai. He names all the groups until I hear my name. "Haruno Akio, Harnuo Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke, Uzimaki Naruto." I slam my head on my desk and get up and say. "Iruka Sensai, I cannot work with Sakura!" He says "I'm sorry but, Sasuke has the second highest score in this class." Everyone says "WHOSE THE FIRST?!" Iruka says "While Mr. Haruno." They give me death glares and glances. I sit down and start reading again. We all are called to dismiss and go meet our Sensai. I sit on the handles to the bridge and read Icha Iach The other three get here and it's annoying.

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