Chapter 1

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A phrase you heard almost a hundred times a day. You stepped back as the popular girl Taylor started stomping over to you. You had no idea why she was doing this... why she was hurting you soo badly! You felt your tears start running out your glossy eyes. "is the b--ch crying AGAIN?" She laughed. "stop crying, Whore!" she yelled. you quickly ran off, only for her to follow very closely behind. She tackled you down and started to beat the absolute crap out of you.


you woke up in the nurses office. "are you ok, (y/n)?" the nurse asked. "yeah, she did it again." you replied.

"you need to stand up for yourself!"

"i just cant!!"

"What do you mean you just cant!?!?!"


you barked at her. you quickly got out of the bed and ran away. your knee hurt like crap, but you didn't give a flying fruk (winkwonk). You ran home, sobbing. People were staring at you, but you didn't care. you got home and slammed the door. Your parents were passed out drunk, so you just went to your room, locked the door, and sat there. Exhausted. You went on your phone and talked to your online friends. they loved you, right? 

You were scrolling through memes, and out of nowhere, got a notification with a YouTube link.  You winced and opened it. "He-Ta-lia? what the heck is this?'' you mumble to yourself. You sigh and play the video. "Why did they make countries into hot anime characters?" you ask yourself. you watched it all and then suddenly, you got very curious. You ended up watching EVERY. SINGLE. EPISODE. You got attached. You made social medias dedicated to your favorite characters. You spread the anime to other friends. You joined online groups made for Hetalians. Heck, you even joined the amino (not sponsored, daddies.). You're craze went on for a very long time. and by morning, you had just realized you had stayed up all night doing nothing but talking about Hetalia. You then suddenly got a really sad feeling. 

"I will never be able to be happy, I'm in real, human life. not Hetalia."

You start to get depressed, and after a while, you decide your just finished.

you leave the house, its only 5 am. you take your phone, a notebook, and a pen. You leave your house, rushing down the street. It's like every voice you've ever heard in your head is just replaying itself over and over again. You start to sob as your thoughts come tumbling down on you. You pause and think...

"why am i, (y/n) (m/n) (l/n), killing myself over a Japanese cartoon that I literally just got into the fandom of?"

"Because, this world doesn't want you here" a soft voice whispered back. you continued onto the bridge. You finally arrive there after what seemed to be hours, but in reality, was just about 20 minutes. you looked at the slowly rising sun. 

"How gorgeous.." you think to yourself, "This is the last time i will truly see something that i call 'breath-taking and gorgeous'."

You grab out the notebook and the pen.

you start to write, shaking and crying.

you write:

"Dear kind reader, My name is (y/n) (l/n), and I go to (school name).  I have been bullied and abused by my school, classmates, and family. I have started to get some suicidal feelings and have nowhere to go. the path will only be crooked from now on. Death will set me free, and I believe it's what i deserve. I am completely useless, And i dont deserve life. The one who did this to me is Taylor in class 3 in the _th grade. 

God have mercy.


you shove put the note under a bench and go back on the bridge. You take off your shoes and climb over the railing. you slowly fall forward. You know what's coming next. Death, or should you call it "freedom". you brace for the impact, but it never came. you then hear a voice.

"you wanna leave this world?"

you tried to respond, but it's like your lungs have just broke. you lost your voice.So you nodded.

"Then take a better route, you know, other than eternal death."

you felt yourself falling, but it wasn't to your doom. It was a warm, comfortable feeling. You were slowly floating down a hole. you felt yourself gently being placed on the ground, and opened your eyes.

You cant believe it..... its... 


HEY BOIS!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter ;))) I left you on a cliff hanger, but ya'll probably already know whats gonna happen. im staying up allllll night tonight, so you can probably just sit back and enjoy the next chapter if you're not reading now. btw, sorry about small grammar errors, i have a D+ in english classs soooooooooo


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