Chapter 10

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Thursday evening came around, and Christina and Adam were getting ready for Miranda and Blake to arrive. They had already called Cee Lo earlier that afternoon, and he had promised not to let anything slip to Blake when he ate lunch with him that day, but he was really happy for them. Stephanie had been given the night off, and she had left an hour ago to take advantage of that. Max was already snug in bed, tucked in by both Adam and Christina, and probably already asleep. Christina was setting the plates of Chinese food and glasses of alcohol(one of them being sparkling apple juice for her) on the table, when the doorbell rang.

"I got it," Adam said, giving her a quick kiss, before heading for the front door. As expected, it was Blake and Miranda, and he let them in, greeting each of them, before leading them to the dining room, where they each greeted Christina.

"So, why did y'all really invite us over tonight?" Blake asked, drinking his beer, and eying Christina, who was obviously the only one not drinking liquor.

"I'm not one to beat around the bush," Christina started, clearing her throat,"We have something to tell you guys," she said, looking between Miranda and Blake.

"What is it, sugar?" Miranda asked curiously.

"I'm pregnant," Christina replied, proving her point about not beating around the bush.

Miranda's eyes went wide, and Blake was in shock,"What?" Miranda asked.

Christina nodded,"I know, I know, it's a little early. We obviously didn't plan to have a baby so early, and we sure as hell didn't plan on having two, but-" she began to explain.

"Wait, what? Two babies?" Blake asked.

Christina nodded,"We just found out a few days ago, they are twins," she said,"And the doctor thinks that they are girls," she added after a sip of her drink.

"Like Christina said, we know this is really early, and I know for sure that I'm not really prepared at all, but I think that we can pull through this. These are our babies, and though they were made while we were in the middle of a drunken, supposed to be, one-night stand, they were still made out of love, and that one night stand turned into a pretty healthy relationship, surprising everyone, I think. Even ourselves. In the end, though, Christina and I love each other, very much, and I have every intent of marrying her one day, after all this settles down a bit," Adam explained after a moment of silence. Christina's eyes widened slightly at the last part of his little speech, but she quickly recovered, deciding to save that discussion for later tonight, after Blake and Miranda had left.

Blake shook his head at this point,"Ok, I gotta' say, I don't think this is a good thing, or a good idea," he admitted.

Everyone at the table turned to stare at him, even Miranda,"What do you mean?" Christina asked, swallowing a lump in her throat. Blake was like her brother, and she didn't want to lose him, or his friendship, but if it came down to it, she would obviously pick Adam and her babies over him. She just really hoped that he would give them his blessing, and be ok with this, because she didn't want to have to lose him.

"I don't think this is a good idea, Chris. You guys hooked up one night, and I was fine when you said you guys were going to be in a relationship, or whatever, because, honestly, I didn't think it would last. But I can't keep quiet anymore. Adam, I love ya' man, but there is no way in hell you are ready for these kids. You've barely grown up yourself, and you are supposed to raise two precious little girls? I just, I don't think this is good, at all," Blake explained.

Christina shook her head, cutting Adam off before he could say anything,"Adam is going to be a great father. He hasn't left my side since we found out I was pregnant. He has been supportive, and loving, and everything you could ever want from a boyfriend. He's not going to be raising the kids alone, anyway. Parenting is a partnership, or at least it should be. We are going to be raising the babies, together. Now, I love you Blake, you know I do, but I will not tolerate you talking to Adam like that. Whether you choose to believe it or not, we do love each other, and it hurts me to see someone I care about talk about someone I also care about very much like that. So, you can either apologize, and accept that this is happening, with or without your support, or you can get the hell out. What will it be?" she asked, pretty angry by this point, but trying to remain calm, remembering the doctor during her first pregnancy telling her that stress wasn't good for the baby.

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