Chapter 1

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"So, what happened with Matt?" Adam asked, taking the first sip of his fourth beer of the night.

Christina sighed,"He cheated. I found out. I dumped his sorry ass," she said simply, chugging the rest of her fifth glass of wine, and signaling the bartender for another.

"Who the fuck would cheat on you?" Adam asked bluntly. Frankly, they had both had the week from hell, and in an attempt to help themselves through the heartache of breakups, they had decided to treat themselves to a night of fun at a bar. They had been there for a little over two hours, and they were both starting to get rather tipsy.

Christina raised both of her eyebrows, swirling her pointer finger around the rim of her new glass of wine,"Basically, every man I've ever been with," she replied. After a moment of silence, Christina looked up at Adam,"What about you and Behati? What happened there?" She asked, raising her glass to her cherry red lips.
Adam couldn't help but stare, they just looked so damn kissable. Not to mention, most of his common sense was gone, due to the amount of alcohol he had already consumed.

Adam shrugged,"Nothing I want to talk about," he replied, taking another swig of beer.
Christina gave him a sad smile, reaching across the table they were sitting at to pat his hand gently,"I'm sorry," she said softly.

Adam shook his head,"I didn't come here to be all depressed and shit," he said, sliding out of his side of the booth and grabbing Christina's hand, pulling her with him, towards the dance floor.

Christina laughed,"What are you doing?" she asked.

Adam chuckled, "Dancing," he replied simply. "Come on, Chris, show me what you got," Adam challenged, a teasing glint in his eyes.

Christina raised an eyebrow,"What?" she asked.

"Come on, Aguilera, can you still get dirrty?" Adam asked in return.
Christina scoffed,"You, Mr. Levine, are beyond wasted," she announced, moving to leave the dance floor.
Adam, however, grabbed her waist, pulling her against him gently, wrapping his arms around her waist to keep her there,"You're pretty wasted too," he whispered near her ear, causing shivers to run down her spine.
Christina, finally loosening up a bit, turned her head slightly, going into full flirt mode,"Still not wasted enough to sleep with you," she teased, moving her hips slightly to the beat of the club music filling the air.

Adam chuckled,"You don't have to be wasted at all to sleep with me," he said playfully, kissing her neck.

Christina knew that what they were doing probably wasn't right. They had both just gone through bad breakups, and now they were pretty drunk.

Hooking up could very possibly ruin their friendship, but right now neither of them were thinking about that. Neither of them were thinking about much of anything, except what the other would look like naked.

Christina turned around, smirking,"You sure about that?" she asked.
Adam smirked right back at her,"Pretty damn sure," he replied, leaning forward and connecting their lips. It wasn't a soft, gentle, loving kiss. Quite the opposite, actually. The kiss was hot, hungry, demanding, and rough. It was needy, and the way Adam plunges his tongue into her mouth demanded for more.
"Fuck," Christina mumbled, pulling away as she remembered where they were. "Adam, if we don't stop now, all of these people are found to get one hell of a show," she said, fighting a moan as Adam began to suck on her neck, right on her pulse.

Adam moaned,"Who cares?" He mumbled against her skin.

"Shit Adam. Why don't you just take me back to your house? I have someone watching Max for the night anyway," Christina asked as Adams hands made their way to her ass, cupping it.

Adam nodded,"Ok," he said, throwing some cash down on the table they were at, letting Christina grab her purse, and pulling her by the hand out the front door. They hailed a cab quickly, sliding into the back seat together, Adam shouting his address at the driver, before reconnecting his lips to Christina's.

Little did either of them know, this one drunken hook up would lead to a lot more.

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