Chapter 4

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Christina and Adam rode to Christina's house in comfortable silence, and once they got there, they linked hands as they headed for the front door. Christina used her key to unlock the door,"We're home," she called out, waiting for her son to come running for the front door. Sure enough, within seconds, Max was sprinting down the stairs, flinging himself into his mother's waiting arms.

"Mommy, I missed you!" he exclaimed.

Christina chuckled, kissing him on both of his cheeks and giving him a tight hug,"Oh, I missed you too, baby," she said, pulling away.

"Where's Stephanie?" Christina asked, referring to the nanny.

"She's taking a nap, but someone else is here," Max informed her.

"Who?" Christina asked curiously.

At that moment, Matt made his way down the stairs,"Chris, before you yell, just let me explain. You never gave me time to explain the other day, you just-" he started, immediately stopping when he saw Christina holding Max, Adam standing behind her, a hand on her lower back,"What's he doing here?" he asked.

"I think the more important question is why are you here?" Christina asked in return.

"I told you, I just came to explain-" Matt started.

Christina cut him off, setting Max down on the ground,"Baby, why don't you go upstairs and play until I come get you for lunch," she suggested. The boy followed his mother's directions, heading up the stairs."Now," Christina said, turning to Matt once she was sure Max was in his room,"I don't want to hear your damn excuses. There is no excuse for what you did, as far as I'm concerned. You are a lying, cheating, bastard, and I want you out of my house," she said, surprising both men in the room by staying relatively calm.

"Chris-" Matt started again.

Christina put her hand up,"You no longer have the right to call me that," she insisted.

Matt stepped forward, putting his arms around her waist,"Come on Chris, just give me one more chance, baby," he pleaded.

Before Christina could say anything, Adam had removed Matt's arms from her waist, and stepped in front of her,"Sorry, but you missed your chance, she's moved on," he said simply.

Matt ignored Adam, looking right at Christina,"Is that true?" he asked.

Christina nodded,"You can leave now," she said coldly.

Matt shook his head, making his way to the door,"This is definitely not the last you'll see of me. I don't give up that easy," he called over his shoulder as he slammed the door.

Adam went to go after him, but Christina held him back,"It's fine, Adam. If he shows up, I'll deal with it. Now, will you please help me make some lunch," she said.

"We'll deal with it, and yes I will help you with lunch," Adam corrected, kissing her softly, before allowing her to pull him into the kitchen,"I have no fucking clue how to cook," he said when she started pulling out plates.

Christina chuckled,"Well, good thing we are just having peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and chips then," she said, getting the jelly out of the fridge, and handing it to Adam, along with a knife and the bread,"Start spreading," she ordered, grabbing the peanut butter out of the cabinet and doing the same.

Before long, they had made three sandwiches, and Christina was pulling the chips out of the cabinet, pouring some on each plate, before putting them back up and calling for Max. The little boy was in the kitchen within a minute, hopping into his seat, and already digging in to his sandwich. Christina laughed as her and Adam took their seats at the table,"Is it good, baby?" she asked.

Max and Adam both nodded at the same time,"Yep," they answered.

Christina chuckled, turning to Adam,"I was talking to the younger baby," she informed him.

Adam shrugged,"Oh well," he said, leaning in and giving her a quick kiss.

"Ew!" Max exclaimed.

Christina laughed, pulling away from Adam,"Oh please, it's nothing you haven't seen before," she reminded her son.

"It's still icky," Max said, popping a chip into his mouth.

Christina rolled her eyes,"You're a goofball," she said, taking a bite of her own sandwich.

The three ate the rest of their meal, making small talk throughout the lunch, and when they were finished, Max looked at Adam, a smile on his face,"Will you come play Legos with me?" he asked.

"Max, do-"Christina began to say.

"No, of course I'll play with you buddy, go get it all out, while I help your mom clean up, and then I'll come up," Adam said, giving the boy a smile.

Max nodded excitedly,"Ok!" he exclaimed, heading for the stairs.

Christina smiled after him, turning to Adam,"You don't have to do this," she said, putting the plates in the dishwasher.

Adam smiled at her, pulling her close to him, locking his arms around her waist,"I want to. I fucking love Legos!" he said, chuckling.

Christina laughed, shaking her head,"You're just a big kid, aren't you?" she asked playfully.

Adam shrugged,"Does momma' wanna' play with us?" he asked, kissing her neck softly.

Christina moaned,"Momma' wants to play with you, that's for damn sure," she said, pulling his lips up to hers.

Adam chuckled as she pulled away,"That will have to wait 'til later, I'm afraid," he said, taking her hand,"Right now, we're build some Lego cities up in this bitch," he said, earning a chuckle from Christina as he pulled her up the stairs, and into Max's room.

The three played Legos for over an hour, laughing and enjoying their time together, until Adam and Christina finally stood up,"Alright baby, why don't you play by yourself for a little while?" Christina suggested, stretching.

Max nodded, not looking up from the Lego structure he was building,"Ok, mom," he said.

Christina followed Adam out of the room, down the stairs, and to the couch, surprising him by sitting on his lap instead of next to him,"Well, hello there," Adam said, leaning in to plant a heated kiss to her lips. Christina cupped Adam's face, deepening the kiss even more. Things were about to get exceptionally heated, but Christina's phone started ringing.

She groaned as she pulled away,"Hello?" she answered, out of breath.

"Hey Chris, we were thinking about getting together tonight, you in?" Blake asked.

"Who?" Christina asked, sitting up.

"Me, Miranda, Cee Lo, and probably Adam, I haven't had a chance to ask him yet, but he's normally down for some drinks," Blake said with a chuckle.

Christina chuckled, glancing at Adam,"Yeah, we'll both be there. What time and place?" she asked.

"7, and the usual bar," Blake answered,"Wait, hold up, how do you know he'll come?" he asked.

Christina smirked,"Just trust me, we'll both be there, see you later Blake," Christina said, hanging up.

"Who was that?" Adam asked as Christina put her phone back down.

"Blake, he invited us out tonight. We're going to the usual bar at 7," Christina answered.

"Do you wanna' tell them?" Adam asked curiously.

Christina shrugged,"I don't see why not," she said, leaning in to kiss him softly,"Now, where were we?" she asked, leaning in again.

"Oh, right about here," Adam replied against her lips, closing the remaining space, and reaching for the hem of her shirt.

Christina bit his lip gently, lacing their fingers together,"Max could walk down at any minute, just making out for now," she said.

"I'm really going to have to get used to having a kid around," Adam said as Christina tugged on his lip again, causing an involuntary moan to escape him.

Christina chuckled,"It just takes a little time," she replied,"Now shut up," she added a moment later, continuing to kiss him.

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