Chapter 1: Arguments

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Friday, May 1st, 3:00 P.M.
(At the house)

(Olivia comes home first)
Olivia: hey Mom I'm back from school!
Kathi: hi sweetie! You were supposed to come home with Sierra.
Olivia: *rolls eyes* I'm not coming with that drama queen, she is literally so overdramatic! Who does she think she is? Blabbing my personal business to her rude friends. For shame!

Kathi: woah! What happened? This doesn't sound like Sierra at all!
Olivia: well ever since Sierra started hanging out with this rude mean girl group, she has been trash talking with her friends, and she told them my embarrassing secret!

Kathi: *gasps*

Sierra: (walks in door) I can't believe you Olivia! How dare you scream at my new friends!

Olivia: me? Excuse me? Your the one talking sh*t behind my back!
Sierra: whatever. Idc what you say! This is my one chance to be popular and I don't want you screwing it up!

Kathi: enough! Both of you! I don't want to hear a single argument out of both of you! If you guys act up, I will not allow you Sierra to take part in the audition you really wanted to. And Olivia, I'm going to take away your electronics.

Sierra & Olivia: *both storm angrily upstairs*

4:00 P.M.
Gracie and Madison: mom!! We're home!

Kathi: how was your day?

Gracie: It was great, despite the fact that I'm still in pain for Madison pushing me down the stairs.

Kathi: I already grounded her, and she's not allowed to take part in her audition.

Gracie: she deserves it.

Madison: shut up Gracie! I barely touched you!

Kathi: both of you go to your room! I will talk to ALL of you about this at dinner.

Madison: ugh, fine.

Gracie: whatever!

At dinner time...
7:30 P.M.
Kathi: Girls I made mac and cheese!!
All: *runs downstairs*

Olivia: *squints at her plate*
Really mom? Veggie casarole? You lied to us?!

Gracie: mom! I was doing something important! >:(

Kathi: take a seat everyone. I brought you guys down here to tell the 3 of you need to be nicer towards your siblings. *Points at Sierra, Madison, Gracie*

Madison: what siblings? I actually wish I didn't have any.

Sierra: especially siblings that ruin my friendships! *Scowls at Olivia*

Kathi: okay I've heard enough! The 3 of you better shape up or your not going to the audition.

(Just hearing about the audition, made all the girls stop in silence)

Olivia: why did you guys stop? And what is this audition you guys keep talking about??

Kathi: girls it's time for bed.

Olivia: okay now you guys are acting weird! Every time I bring up the audition you guys go silent. What's up?

( Madison, Sierra, and Gracie shifted uncomfortably in their seats)

Kathi: Olivia... I said it's time for bed, end of conversation. We will talk about this tomorrow.

Olivia: no! I want to know now!
(Madison, Sierra, and Gracie went upstairs knowing something was about to go down)

Kathi: *turns red* Go to your room now! I will speak with you tomorrow!
Olivia: Ugh! *Runs upstairs*

Comment Question: what do you think this audition is about? Why do you think they don't want Olivia to know about it.

Authors note: Heyyy! Hope your enjoying so far, this is just the beginning! I promise it gets better... Anyway, there's alot of drama in the next one, get ya popcorn kids, this is gonna be jucyyyy.

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