World 2: A Dragon, a Spirit and three Fairies

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Mama Chase, Papa Chase and Alexander were the final people remaining at his grave until Papa Chase eventually led the distressed Mama Chase away from her child's final resting place.

He nodded at Alexander who gave one back before turning back around to look at the gravestone.

Pulling a single, pale pink rose from his pocket, Alexander squatted down and placed it in the middle of the sea of white. His eyes started to tear up again as he pulled something out of his pocket.

A velvet box.

Alexander changed his position to one where he kneeled, eyes filling with tears as he stared lovingly down at the gravestone.

"I know it's a bit late to get married now that this accident has happened and I'm not sure if you'd even have me, but if you would, could you keep me forever?" He opened the box and inside was a sparkling diamond engagement ring.

Seeing this, Jess covered his mouth and some tears appeared in his eyes.

"Just wait till I've found who did this to you and dealt with them because then and only then will I be able to join you in the afterlife and properly ask you to marry me..." Alexander closed the box and slipped it back into his pocket. He then leant down and on the engraved word 'Finley', gave a short kiss.

He then stood up, eyes filled with determination. Determination to persecute those who dared hurt his precious Bambi and then join his beloved in the afterlife.

And he walked away.

It ended up taking him longer than expected to find the masterminds behind his brother's murder and with each passing day, his hatred and annoyance for the sticky Chanel (who managed to get herself fired) and his longing to join Finley grew.

Eventually, he found out that disgusting woman who loved to try and cling to him was the cause of his Bambi's death. In a rage, he had her kidnapped, tortured and then sold into an illegal sex trade where she was bought by some gross old man to be a pet. It was in his sadistic arms that she was killed savagely.

Her sister was also sold into the ring but because her looks were not in any way destroyed like her sister, became a lowly harem member for some small-time royal. Because of this, her never-ending love for her sister came to an abrupt end and on multiple occasions, she tried to escape the man's clutches. During one of these attempted escapes, she was shot dead by guards who confused her for a burglar.

Finley's killer was caught and put on death row where he died, proclaiming that his only regret in life was killing the boy.

Anyone that had close connections with them disappeared off the face of the planet, never to be seen again.

Delilah, Rachel and Emily went on to become internationally famous and loved, always remaining a dedicated trio and always coming to visit Finley's grave on his birthday, anniversary and Christmas. Every time a reporter asked the key to their fame and friendship, they would always say the same thing: that their dearest friend Finley was the reason they managed to get this far.

And on the 2nd year anniversary of Finley's death, Mama and Papa Chase found her oldest son with a bullet through his head by his brother's grave and on the ground next to him, a note.

Though the two were upset, they had known it was coming from the very moment Finley passed. Alexander's funeral was also very small and full of only close friends, family and a few business partners. He was then left to his eternal rest by the side of his most beloved.

It should also be noted that on his left hand's ring finger, there was a gold wedding band with the words 'totus tuus Bambi' engraved into it.

Diamonds are a Man's Best FriendKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat