Ch 7 - Shuzen Life

Start from the beginning

"Spot #316. That's why."

"Ummm, okay we'll roll with it. So anyways, whatcha got for me?"

"She's by the gym. Alone. Shocking I know. I'm going to be honest. You really think this is a good idea?"

She does have a solid point. "Right but not bright. Aware."

"Be honest with me. Kurumu brought it up and she brushed it off. You like her?" She glared at you.

"Huh?" Random.

"Are you into her?"

"No... Why? Just why? I'm helping out my friends. Thought of you and the girls when I had this idea. I just want to see what I can do. Just curious. Honestly. She is too bitchy and immature to be a lover. If that's your idea." Can't say I didn't blush at first but that ship has friggin sailed.

"Got juice?"

"So I don't go nappy time? Yes I do. Damn straight I do." Just clarifying Mizore Senpai doesn't out the ice on you. She could if she felt like it. Yet Mizore stalked someone down with pleasure doing so for a friend. She couldn't complain much. "Guess I'm off. Call you guys later?"

"Please do. Just to check in. She is dangerous too you know."

"That she is." And you were off. Walking over to the gym at a normal pace. Was this smart? Odds not in your favor. Deathwish? Not intentionally.

Over you find yourself rounding the corner and she's having a seat by herself. Of course she's alone. Just having a seat on the ledge with her bat on her shoulder. Looking out towards some trees with stick brush on it. She had a blank expression on her face. Hard to read. Mellow wasn't it? Stressed? Maybe. Sad? Likely. Couldn't hurt to ask.

"Hey." You walk towards her.

"What the hell do you want?" She snapped.

"To talk." You exhale.

"What for? No point."

"How about a deal then?"

"Please. What could that be?"

"After you suck my blood."

"Well, I suppose if you put it that way." She blushed.

Score. "Alright. Guess how was your day?"

"Uneventful. Get on with it. Straight to the point."

Well shit. Should have seen that coming. "Sorry."

"Don't apologize let's just hurry up." She huffed.

"Well that's kind of one of them I wanted to ask of you. Why are you so snappy? You don't seem too bad. I know I made a bad first impression. I got that. Sorry for the names too. I just want to help you anyway I can. You deserve to be happy too you know."

"Well aren't you so special. A Vampire caring for another one. Please. You don't know what it's like. Do you get treated line the redhead step child just because you're the youngest? Do you get left all alone? Are your needs always last? Do you see your family regularly?"

"Kokoa. I don't. I don't ha..."

"Piss off. KO-HAMMER!" Her bat turned into her favorite weapon and swung it to make contact to your face.

"Gahhhhh. Oomph!" You fall flat. Face up and trying to be at ease. "My face hurts."

"Nice shot Miss. Kokoa. Weee." Smiled her bat.

"You will never..." She sniffed the air. It was your blood again from a small face cut. "It's the sweetness again. Oh baby I can't resist." A whiff of your blood and it changed her whole mood. She seemed happy.

You hug her close and tilt your neck. "Go ahead." Just like the agreement.

"So sweet. You are sweet."

Me or my blood? You blushed. "Not too deep. Alright?" That sound wrong? Lord I do not have the pants here. Why do I keep making couple statements? Mizore... She softly bit into your flesh. Low by the collarbone. "Ahhhhhhh!" It hurt.

After a few second taste she backed off and you examine your neck with your hand. She sealed the wound she made. "That's the stuff." She sighed.

You crack open a can of juice so you don't feel light headed. Then look at her in her gaze. "Feel better?"

"What's it to you?"

Back to normal I guess. "I just had you suck my blood, it's just a question. That is all."

"You think I'm going to spill my guts out over a taste?"

"Well you kinda know where I'm coming from. I've been trying to help you. Ever since I found out. Don't you get it?"

"Talk stupid!"

What the hell have I done? I gave blood and no result for the most part. "I want you to be happy. Same with the other girls."

"You're a pig like that Tsukune guy? Great."

"No. No. No! All the girls have stories. One went to the human world and away from her family. One without a father. One with mild depression. The tiny one troubles fitting in. We all have troubles. Doesn't mean I can't help you if I can. Why do you think I offered?"

She starred with all this information processing. And the blood was starting to really starting to be felt in her system. "I, don't know."

"Anything else?"

"Come around tomorrow and maybe I'll let you in on things."

"Blood for info?"


"Alright. It's a date." Shit! No!

"Date?" She pondered.

"I ah, mind slipped."

"MORNING STAR!" *KA-BANG* Wrecking ball to the ribs. "And keep your distance pervert."

"One hit showdown. Weee." Smiled her bat again.

"Damn right Mr. Koa."

"Tomorrow. See ya then." I hate this girl. But maybe Mizore is right. Maybe I just don't know it. She is kind of cute. Though maybe I should try to expand the dating pool.


The moment you give blood just to have your ass kicked. And when you offer she thinks your perverted and kicks your ass and won't even think about baking you a cake? Yeah. That sort of thing. This bitch is crazy. What you did was probably stupid? Worth it? Hmmmm.

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day cause you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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