Taking leads • 15

Start from the beginning

"Hi, Harry." She smiles and waves with her smal, dainty hands.

"Hey, Liza." He smiles and then looks over to me. "I came over to bring you and your cousin ice cream but I didn't know she was already here because I wanted to talk to you about something. Something really crucial." He says and walks over to the counter, handing Liza her drink as she thanks him. .

Something tells me he didn't come to give us ice cream.

"Excuse us Liza, we'll be in the kitchen." I say and pull on Harry's wrist and drag him towards the area, leaving Liza to munch on her own.

Once we are away from her haering range, I look up to Harry to see him, flustered and nervous. It was shocking but I was anxious to see why Harry was so worked up.

"Harry, baby, what's wrong?" I ask gently placing my hand on his shoulder. He pushing his hair from his face and takes a deep breath.

"I have to tell you something, but you have to promise not to get angry." He says and my heart sinks a bit, knowing Harry could tell me something that would change us completely.

"Harry, I can't promise you that." I admit before he sucks up his nerves and looks at me with a straight face.

"It's fine. But it has something to do with the paper plane necklace." He says and I remember how tense he got once he figured out the news. I take a look at him. I can't tell he's freaked out.

"I was there when Peyton was hung." He says and I felt my heart sinks into my stomach.

So Harry knew? He knew these weren't suicides and that people were being murdered? I let my hands drop from his arm and look up to him in shock, anger and confusion.


"Hear me out first." He demands before sitting me down to continue. "I was smoking a joint and enjoying myself when I heard someone walking in the woods, I watched a little and seen that it was in fact a guy who did it. I watched him drag her up the tree surprisingly and seen he woke her up before killing her." He says and I stare at him even more scared and shocked than before.

"I didn't know what to do and I didn't know if I was imagining it or if I was laced but it was so vivid and unreal. Almost surreal in a way and I was so scared I dropped my drugs, my necklace apparently and my headphones." He says and I gulp nervously. "I was running through the woods for so long i ended up in your neighborhood and at the park that night, when you called me. Which is where I think I exactly dropped it." He tells me.

"I didn't want to tell anybody or go to the cops because I was scared they would pin it on me. I'm sorry, Niall." He says and I see tears start to leave his face.

"So you knew people weren't killing themselves and that they were being murdered. You witnessed a murder and didn't think it'd be helpful to say what you saw? Did you only think about yourself, Harry?!" I ask aggressively, standing to my feet.

I stare at him with fire burning inside me.

"Did you even care?!" I yell grabbing the attention of pixel and Liza.

"It didn't want to go to jail. I was scared, Niall please." He says and I see his worried eyes dash and look at me.

I squint my eyes and try to convince myself that this was all a dream but it wasn't. My boyfriend witnessed a person die and allowed two more to die before saying anything. Although, I don't want to see him hurt because of a mistake. I couldn't bear it.

"Okay, this is what we're going to do. We are to lay low and be stealth with the situation. You can't tell the cops now because you would then be a suspect. Now we have to find a cover for the necklace. Come up with an alibi because you weren't there with us when she was discovered.", I say and he nods.

He reaches out and pulls me into a tight hug. He thanks me and kisses my face all over. I couldn't stay mad too long. He's Harry for God's sake, can you really stay mad at him?

"So how do I come up with an alibi?" Harry says and I lay my head on his chest, listening to his quickened heart rate while I thought.

"Me and Louis discovered the body and then drove to the park where we met you. So we can say that you were meeting us at the park if it ever comes to question." I say and then he shakes his head.

"Niall, they could say I killed Peyton then met up with you guys, they could pin this on me so many ways." He says and I start to think again.

"We are going to say you stayed at my house and Louis and I left without you. We'll have my dad lie for us." I say and he shakes his head.

"Your dad, the husband of a detective." He says and I roll my eyes.

"I wouldn't say husband." I say and his face floods with confusion.

Before he says anything, Liza walks in.

"Sorry to interrupt, but your mom is here. With Boo bear." She smiles brightly and behind her pops up a small man. In other words, Louis appears with my mum behind me.

"Hey, Niall. Harry." She says and I look over to them. I removed myself from Harry and I could still feel him shaking. He was afraid and I knew he would soon crack.

"Witness protection can't do anything for protecting Lou so we are renting a place out on the beach. For all of you to stay in. We can't take any chances." She says with worry dripping on her voice.

As soon as she says that, the entire Tomlinson family follows suit behind her, along with Emily and the rest of her sisters, the fed up mother and distraught father.

"Okay. Why all of the sudden?" I ask and she gulps.

"Baby, Lana just died." She cries and wipes her tears.

"And I don't think cancer did it."


I know I know.

The chapter is short but only because I have so much to write and it would not fit in this chapter. It wouldn't make sense in this chapter.

The next chapter will be very long and almost scary. If this entire book hasn't been scary. ...

Now right now is the last time to take your guesses on who is the killer. The next chapter will have you question everything.

You'll be surprised.

Also while we are here, Why do you think Niall calls his dad Bobby instead of Dad?

And why would he refer to him as his mother's husband?

It's very important to the story.

Later bubs 😎

Date Night // Narry AU // Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now