Chapter 4

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 When I woke up, my head was pounding. It wasn't from the alcohol, it was from the drama and losing my biggest source of happiness. I remember all of the memories we shared, and all our long, midnight conversations. High school is just crazy. I picked my phone up from my end table, and pressed the power button.

    I had 50 texts from different people who were at the party last nigh, asking if I was okay and how was the kiss, and are Shane and I still friends. Wow, people are nosy.

I stood up, and walked out of my room. I can't lock myslef away in my room forever, this isn't a movie or dramatic tv show. This is the real shit. I walk down the stairs, and to the kitchen. And who just happend to be standing there talking to my mom? Shane. I quickly, and quietly turned away and made my way towards the stairs, I was about to step on the stair, when I heard my name.

  "Rachel." Shane said, I glanced at him, rolled my eyes, and started walking up the stairs. Why do I feel like I'm overreacting? I mean he took a big risk kissing me, considering the fact that he knows very damn well that our friendship is already hanging by a thread. I just don't get men. When I was outside of my room, about to open my door, I noticed something I hadn't thought about in a while. It was a carving in my wood door that said,

"Rachel + Shane= BFF's Forever and After."

     Boy were they wrong, I actually remember the day Shane and I carved this. It was when we were ten. We were playing hide and seek when I found him, he said "Hey! I have an idea!" He took something, I don't remember what it was, and carved it. When my mother and father found out about it, they grounded me and called Shane's parents. We couldn't play for four weeks, which was a lifetime for us. I ran my hand over the carving, and smiled. We were really bad ass when we were ten, but we weren't bad all the time.

  The most memorable moment I have with him is when we were playing in the park down the street, and we heard a meow. Shane and I, being the eleven year old adventurers that we were, were into comic books. So we decided we wanted to help whatever was making the noises. We looked up every tree, until we found this tall one. it had a small kitten in it, and it looked really scared. Instead of running home to tell our parents, Shane decided he wanted to climb the tree but I wouldn't let him go by himself. We both ended up climbing the tree, and when we were by the kitten, it decided that it was more scared of us than the tree and it jumped down. So now, Shane and I were stuck in this big tree. We sat there, and sat there just talking because the park was empty and it was close to sundown. Our parents were probably worrying by now, and Shane and I really bonded while being up in the tree. We finally got down when we heard our parents yelling our name and we yelled back, "We're up here!" and of course they couldn't get us down so they had to call the fire department.

  Thinking about the memory in the tree made me want to go back to the park, but I didn't want to face Shane so I decided to take the most common way out. The window. I grabbed my phone, and tied 6 sheets together. I tied one end to my bedpost, and let the other end fall to the ground. I was about to start climbing down the sheet rope when Shane walked into my room.

  "Rachel, what in the world are you doing?' He asked, with a worried expression.

"Planning my escape."  I shrugged, and let go of the sheets and sat on my bed.

  "That's not a very good plan considering that the window downstairs is open and I saw your sheet ladder-"

"Rope." I corrected, he rolled his eyes.

"Sheet rope fall to the ground I figured you were planning a terrible escape. You do know that you have a door that leads right outside, right?" He asked.

 "Yeah, but my plan was cooler and it took me a while to plan it." I replied, looking at the painting on my wall.

 "You know, I'm really sorry. If youdon't wan to talk to me, I'll leave you alone. Forever. But you need to talk to me now." He said. I didn't answer for a while. I was waiting for him to get up and leave. He eventually did, and when I looked over to where he was sitting I saw a piece of paper.

  The paper said,

"Dear Rachel..."



What do you think the note says?

Do you think Rachel is being overdramatic? Explain.

Do you think she should be friends with Shane again? Why?

So, did you guys like the update! Comment Purple Pepperoni in the comments below if you read this.

I know I said chapter 3 was going to be in two parts, but I didn't know how to work with that. I will update again when 'Keep Me Crazy' has 550 reads! Keep calm and read on Sparklers!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2014 ⏰

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