Chapter 2

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Christina woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. She groaned, wondering what the hell happened last night, and rolled over, yelping when she found a man's body beside her in bed. Her eyes popped open, as he was quick to discover that she wasn't in her bed, or her room. The man beside her wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her naked body close to his, and she looked over her shoulder at him."Holy shit!" she yelled, realizing it was Adam's body laying next to her in bed. She nearly leapt to the other side of the bed, covering herself with a sheet when she sat up.

Adam was startled awake,"What? What's wrong, babe?" he asked, looking around the room for any giant spiders or serial killers, seeing none, he turned his head back to the blonde that was in bed with him.

"We had sex last night!" Christina exclaimed.

Adam chuckled,"Yeah, and?" he asked, still not understanding her freak out.

Christina shook her head,"Oh my God. We had sex last night. I remember it all now. Oh my God. This is so not good. Shit. Fucking shit," she mumbled, jumping out of the bed, taking the sheet with her, gathering her clothes off the floor as she paced around the room.

Adam sighed, hopping out of bed and slipping on is boxers and walking in front of her, blocking her path,"Chris, calm down," he instructed, moving her back towards the bed. She allowed him to lightly push her down and take the sheet away from her. She watched as he carefully slipped some underwear an one of his huge T-shirts on to her, before heading into the bathroom, returning a moment later with two Tylenol and a glass of water,"Take these," he instructed, handing her the items. Christina did as she was told, downing the two pills with the water, before placing the glass on the nightstand. Adam leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to her lips before continuing,"Ok, would you like to explain to me why you're freaking out now?" he asked.

Christina, stunned at his tenderness, cleared her throat before speaking,"Adam, we had sex last night. Like, a lot of it. We both just got out of relationships, and we are friends. I just can't see this ending well," she said simply.

Adam shook his head with a chuckle,"You really don't remember much of last night, do you?" he asked, receiving a shake of her head from Christina. Adam sat next to her on the bed, lacing his fingers with hers,"Well, first off, I feel bad for you, because the sex was beyond incredible," he said with a smirk.

Christina chuckled,"Oh no, I remember having fantastic sex with you. What I don't remember, is what would make you be so sweet and caring now. As far as I know, it was just a drunken one night stand, brought on by getting drinks together to try to get over our exes," Christina explained.

Adam nodded,"That was what it was. Until after we finished. We were laying here, and we were spooning. You turned towards me, and you told me you loved me. Now, I realize you were less the coherent when you said that, and I'm not holding you to it, but I am not going to deny the fact that I knew what I was saying when I said it back," he said with a shrug, gazing into her eyes, looking for the truth.

Christina looked at him blankly for a minute, taking in everything that he had just said,"I think I meant it," she said with a small smile.

Adam beamed,"You do?" he asked.

Christina laughed,"Yes, I love you, Adam. As fucked up as this relationship will be, I'd like to have it," she said, now being the one to look at him with hopeful eyes,"Even though it started with some hookup after we had been drinking for two hours straight," she added, a hint of teasing in her voice.

Adam laughed, leaning forward and pressing a feather kiss to her lips,"This will be a pretty fucked up relationship, huh?" he asked, never pulling back from the kiss.

Christina shrugged,"It will be good, though," she said, reaching her arms around his neck and bringing him down to her for a heated kiss, nibbling at his bottom lip as he flattened her out on the bed. Christina felt nothing but pure bliss and excitement as Adam pulled his t-shirt over her head.

However, that pure bliss wouldn't last very long. Things were about to get more complicated, very quickly.

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