The Prophecy

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The Prophecy

We walked into a stone room,

With a chest in the middle,

A chair at the edge,

He motioned for me to take a seat,

And I did,

He walked to the chest and kneeled,

You know for years,

They've been waiting,

For you,"


He nods,

"Within this chest,

There is a prophecy,

That foretells your coming,

It says,

That you will lead us,

In The impending war,"

I can't see my face,

But I know that my jaw is hanging agape,

"How can I..."

"I don't know,

But I do know what it says,"

He opens the chest,

And pulls out a piece of paper,

He unrolls it and hands it to me,

I read it,

"The day will come,

When one crosses over from the other side,

He will be your only hope,

To salvation,

To humanity not reaching its end,"

I read it twice,

And look up,

How do you know it's me?"


You're the first,

And only person,

To ever cross over to this side,

Since the inception of this prophecy,

I can feel it,

This is your time,

But you have to be willing,

To help,"

I sat,

And thought about it,

"What happens if I don't?"

He waits,

What you see here,

Isn't all that there is,

What happens here,

Has great effect,

On what happens everywhere,"

"How so?"

There's another place you need to see."

With that he started walking toward the door

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