What Once Was....

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What Once Was...

I stood and waited for what felt like a century,

I waited all in hopes that one of these people,

If there were any people left,

Could help me get back home,

Finally the door opened,

But no one was behind it

So I pushed it the rest of the way,

Going inside,

And calling it as I go,

But there is no answer,

I walk slowly,

The dim room gives me no comfort,

And finally,

I find my way into what looks like a foyer,

Around a table,

A group of men sat,

Playing cards,

With bandanas over their faces,

As I walk in,

There is no movement,

No notice,

To them I don't exist,

And in this world,

I may not,

I walk up and take a seat,

And then one of them looks at me,

"Can we help you?"

I'm taken aback by the question,

"Actually, I'm not from here."

"We know,"


"If you were, you would've been in this room already. What you see before you,

That's all that's left."

"What happened?"

"The bombs came,

We weren't prepared,

They called it diplomatic action,

But we know better,

Regardless of the action,

You look at the outcome,

What you saw if I had to guess,

Was a rift that was created between our worlds,

And yours when they destroyed everything they could."

I sat in shock for a moment,

This had to be a dream,

But I knew better,

"Is there any way to get back to my world?"

They looked around at each other,

Not saying anything,

Then they slowly shook their head,

"There's no way back to that side."

With that they turned back to their game,

I peered at the table,

Wanting to do something,

But nothing came to mind,

"We understand,

There's a lot to process there,

If you'd like,

We can offer you a place to sleep,

There may be a way to help you,

But we can't make promises,

It all depends on what He says."


"The Overseer."

I stood looking at them,

"But you said all..."

"I know what was said,

But sometimes things need hidden,

Until you know the truth."

I nodded thinking the idea wasn't bad,

"We'll talk to the overseer,

And then we'll come back for you."

I turned,

And the cot was already made,

I laid down,

As they went back to their card game.

I drifted off to an uneasy sleep.

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