" I'd rather be a human and act like a pig than be an actual one like you, fat bitch" She retorted smugly

I laughed sarcastically "Nice to know. Now call me out of my name one more time and I'll show you just what this pig can do " I threatened with hooded eyes

Brianna stood up and crossed her arms as she poked her hip out "I'm not scared of you " She announced proudly

I shrugged, then smirked and grabbed her by the collar of her shirt pulling her closer to me. The look on her face was simply amusing to me. She was scared and I loved every moment of it

My lips were centimeters away from her ears, I wanted to make sure she heard me.

"No, but trust me. You should be" I warned lowly as I released her from my grip

She dusted off her clothes as she looked at me with a look I knew all too well. "You disgusting animal. Now I see why we don't allow people like you in our school. You have no self control" she barked as she turned away from me

My head whipped so hard in her direction I almost broke my damn neck. My eyes narrowed in on her and I stalked towards her like a lion trying to catch its prey

I know like hell she didn't just say that.

I grabbed the brunette by the back of her hair, causing her to swing towards me and I balled my fist tight, throwing a punch straight to her face with full force but my fist never reached her face. Jack had pulled me away from her.

Brianna stared at me in shock as she clutched the back of her head in pain and I scowled. That bitch deserved way more than what I gave her and I intended to give her just that.

I was beyond pissed with Jack and I tried my hardest to get out of his grip but there was no use. He was stronger than me.

"Let me go" I demanded lowly with tinted eyes

Jack shook his head " I can't do that"

I stated at him in nothing but repulsion "like hell you can't. Let me the fuck go unless you want every bone in your body broke as well " I threatened

The delinquents stared at the scene unfolding in front of them quietly.

" That's not going to solve any of your problems Zion. I can't let you go. If I let you go, you'll get suspended which means I won't have a tutor. Without a tutor,I can't pass math and if I don't pass math, I can't graduate so sorry but no can do" he explained and I rolled my eyes

I couldn't give a rat's ass.

Brianna smirked as she watched me and Jack argue and that just pissed ms off even more.

That's when Lia said something I'd never expect to come out of her mouth

" If Zion can't hit her,I will" and less than a second later, Lia threw a powerful punch towards Brianna's face

Her nose started to bleed and my lips curled into a bright smile

God I feel like a proud parent right now.

" Racist bitch. That oughta teach you a lesson" Lia hissed as she stared at the girl in nothing but disgust.

Brianna muttered incoherent curse words under her breath as she held her head up high "you have no idea who you're messing with !"  She snapped

" And I don't care either. Bye bitch" Lia snapped back as she waved her off.

Brianna grabbed her belongings and stormed out of the library,making sure to shove Lia as she did so

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