Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

“Where are we?”

Niall glances at me in the mirror, but his eyes quickly move back to the road. We’ve been driving for at least four hours now. I would check my phone, but Niall isn’t stupid. Once we were outside of London, he took my phone from me at a rest stop and tied my hands behind my back with a piece of cloth that he ripped from his t-shirt. I could probably get my hands out if I want to, but not until I come up with a plan. The last Welcome town sign where I recognized the name was in Hucknall, but that’s only because my nan used to live there. I had never been there before today.

“No idea,” He says before taking a sharp right. I would have flown to the other side of the car if Niall hadn’t managed to buckle me down with all three buckles. “I’m Irish. Not used to driving here.”

“Then why don’t I take the wheel?”

Niall chuckles and shakes his head before swerving left. I guess he almost missed his turn.

“Welcome to Bradford, sweetheart!” He exclaims as we pass by a sign that says the exact same thing. “I know where we are, I can read,” I snap, but this only makes him laugh again.

“I didn’t doubt your reading skills. I was just answering your question.”

I roll my eyes and look out the window. “Why are we in Bradford?” I ask curiously.  He shrugs his shoulders and takes a right. “I’ve got some friends here.” I fake a gasp and Niall turns in the seat to look at me when we’re at a stop light. “You have friends?” He clenches his jaw and turns back around in the seat. The light turns green, but the car in front of us doesn’t move, so Niall slams his hand down on the horn. I don’t bother complaining about how this is a new car, he won’t listen.

“You should really keep your mouth shut, Claire. Keep in mind that I’m a prison escapee right now and you’re my hostage. This isn’t some road trip you’re on with ya friends. I’ll kill ya if I have to.”

His threat should probably bother me more, but it doesn’t. Something that I learned a while back in training school was that if someone wants you dead they’ll kill you the minute they see you. Every other threat is just a threat. It’s easy to talk someone out of it, especially if they don’t necessarily want to do it. And Niall is so convinced that he isn’t a murderer that I doubt he’d want to kill me.

“Kill me with what? Suffocation by your hat?”

  Niall’s jaw tightens again when he realizes that he doesn’t have anything he can hurt me with. The car in front of us pulls up and Niall slams on the gas before the light can turn yellow. I’m amazed he didn’t rear-end the other car, but he takes a right before we even get close to it.

“Seriously, Claire. I’m dangerous,” He says and I roll my eyes. “I might not seem like it, but I am. You’ll know once you see these guys inside.”

Niall parks the car in a spot that is marked clearly No Parking, but he pretends not to notice.

Holy shit. What a badass, right?

He gets out and slams the door. The keys are still in the ignition, but again he pretends not to notice. Maybe he’s just begging for my car to be stolen or towed!

The door to my left opens and Niall’s face pops in. “You look a little wrapped up, eh?” He reaches over to unbuckle the three seatbelts. I hold out my hands for him to untie them, but Niall shakes his head. “Sweetheart, you’re gonna want to keep that on in there.”

“Why? So you can parade me off to your stupid “friends”?”

“No, because you’re hot, even in that disgusting cop uniform, so if these guys see you they are going to want you. I’ve got credit in there though, so if they see you are cuffed by me they’ll leave you alone. Ya know what-“ Niall slams the door in my face before he says anything else.

I hear him pop open the trunk and shuffle a few things around before he slams it shut. The door opens again and my gym bag hits me in the face. “Put those on. They see a cop and they’ll kill ya.”

He slams the door again before I can ask any questions. No way can the people inside be this violent. Niall doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to be a part of a gang, and a gang hideout certainly would not be at a bar called- I strain my neck to see the sign - The Sparrow. Well, actually, maybe it would be…

I struggle to change into the pair of sweatpants and sports bra. I groan when I realize that there is no shirt inside of the bag. I’m going to have to go in there with my stomach showing. Great.

I knock my knuckles on the window and Niall opens the door. His eyes immediately dart down to my chest and then back to my face. “Seriously? The fuckin’ cop uniform would’ve been better!” I roll my eyes again before he reaches into the car and grabs my arm. I blink my eyes completely flustered after Niall pulls me out of the car and holds me by my waist. I recover quickly though because he shoves me forward before slamming my car door.

“That’s no way to treat a lady, dick.”

“Well then act like a lady, sweetheart.”   

A/N: Feedback on the story would be lovely :)

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