Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

“So… Why’d you get our lunch break switched?” I ask Harry as we walk to the break room. He shrugs his shoulders with a smile on his face before holding the door open for me.

“You’ve been having a rough day, so I figured you could use an early break,” Harry says, sitting down in one of the empty seats. There are only two other officers in here right now, but neither seem to be paying any attention to Harry and I. “And I am starving!”

I crack a smile, but that only seems to make my eye hurt worse. The nurse gave me painkillers and they haven’t seemed to kick in yet, which totally sucks.

We sit in silence for a few minutes as we eat. Harry pulls out his phone, but I don’t mind. If my phone was with me I would have it out too, but unfortunately I left it inside of my car. I don’t like bringing my belongings into the holding cell room. I mean, the people inside of the cell are criminals… Maybe one of them would take my phone to make a call to someone that could get them out, and then I would get in major trouble with the chief.

Speaking of the chief, I wonder if he still wants to see me…

I am about to ask Harry if he knows anything, but he has put in headphones and his eyes are closed. Well, that is kind of rude.

I lightly kick his foot underneath the table and his eyes immediately open. He rips out the headphones. “Sorry, Claire! Did you say something?” Harry asks, and I shake my head. “No, but I think I am going to go out to my car and get my phone. I’ll be right back,” I say and he nods.

“And don’t take any of my crisps!”

I call to Harry as I walk out the lunchroom door. I can hear him laughing from inside, but I don’t stop to turn around. Instead I duck my head as I walk through the office. My eye is throbbing right now.

Jenna, the receptionist, gives me a small nod before looking back to her computer screen. I push open the front door and rub my arms when a gust of wind hits me. I can’t wait for April showers next month. I’d choose rain over snow any day!  

I jog to my car, unlock it, and grab my phone from where it has been sitting on the passenger seat. I shut the door, relock the car, and then spin around on my heel as my phone turns on. There is one new text message from Elsie, so I slide the bar across and wait for it to load.

Suddenly something grabs my shoulders. I almost drop my phone, but I catch it midair before it falls to the ground. I look up at the person, assuming that it is another officer, and get ready to apologize for texting and walking. Then I see his face and my eyes grow wide.

“Niall?” I ask in shock. He should be inside of the holding cell. I only left like five minutes ago!

His eyes are wide too, but his are wide with fear. I’m just confused.

Before I can say anything else, Niall pulls me towards my car. He acts fast by grabbing the keys from my back pocket and unlocks it. Niall opens one of the backseat doors, places a hand over my mouth, and pushes me in with him close behind. I act on instinct and bite his hand right after he closes the door.

“How are you out of the holding cell?”

“Why are you outside right now?”

“How are you out of the holding cell?”

“Why are you outside right now?”

“How are you out of the holding cell?”

“Why are you-“

“I was getting my phone. God!” I exclaim in frustration as I watch Niall climb into the front seat. “Now, how are you out of the holding cell?” He sits on the driver’s side and shoves the keys into the ignition. The car turns on quickly, something I have always loved about this car, and Niall immediately shifts the gear from P to R.

“I broke out. God!”

Niall mocks me before backing the car up and tearing out of the police station parking lot.   

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