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Meissa remembered her sister, Andromeda, being disowned and running away because she loved a Muggle-born. Meissa never knew at the age of twelve that she would follow the same route, but with a werewolf. She wasn't sure how her family had found out, her and her lover had been very secretive. So secretive that none of his friends knew about the romance. She had a sneaky suspicion that her youngest cousin may have found out and told.

Meissa could never have imagined having her oldest sister point her wand towards her in a threatening manner. Inside, Meissa was terrified. She knew Bellatrix wasn't the most stable person, not that it was her fault, but she never knew that one day she would be on the other end of her wand. Like before, Narcissa was trying to defuse the situation and make them both realise that they were both being silly.

Meissa hated the situation. She had only just finished Hogwarts and was already being faced with a choice: family or love? Good or bad? Bellatrix or death?

Meissa knew more about the wizarding community more than she ever had before. Everything she had been taught, everything she had grew up believing, was wrong. Muggle-born's were born with magic, they didn't steal it? It wasn't normal to be married off? Pure-blood's were superior to others? It caused her to feel so confused for the longest time, she had thought about turning to her disowned cousin for help but if she was seen talking to him then people wouldn't hesitate to call her a blood-traitor, also. Although, it seemed a little late to worrying about that now.

"Half-breed," Bellatrix spat in disgust, "You've been running around that bloody school with a HALF-BREED?"

Meissa casted her eyes down as her sister roared at her, "Don't call him that..."

It was quiet but Bellatrix heard her. Bellatrix started to laugh at her deluded sister while Narcissa looked concerned.

"Don't tell me you actually care for that mongrel?" Bellatrix laughed maliciously.

Meissa's fist tighten in frustration, "Don't call him that!"

Bellatrix was so shocked at her youngest sister raising her voice that her laughter dropped. Narcissa gasped. Meissa had always been a quiet child, only speaking when spoken to and having a very soft voice. To hear her defending someone and raising her voice, to Bellatrix also, was something completely out of the ordinary.

Meissa's heart pounded in her chest. She tried to imagine her sister, Andromeda, and her cousin, Sirius. She wanted to be brave like them. She wanted to be able to do as she pleased without fear. She wanted to be in the arms of the boy that loved her.

"I love him, Bella!" Meissa cried, "I didn't want to love him, but I do. And he loves me too. I'm sorry but you may as well just burn me off the family tapestry because nothing you can say will change my mind."

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