"Sorry. There's just been so much going on lately." Becca's brown locks rustling back and forth as she shook her head.

"Fury setting you up on a mission?" He tried to ask the question casually, but again; daughter.

"If only. I think I'm actually getting a little stir crazy." She followed him over to the glass bar set up on the right side of the room. "Natasha's off on a secret mission. Clint's been off and on the same assignment for almost two years. And here I am having to much time on my hands to know what to do with."

Tony nodded pouring himself a small glass of whiskey and handing a glass of red wine that he knew his daughter had grown a taste for. "Guess that's what happens when you played double agent for two years for your life. Now you're bored." He took a sip before giving a dark chuckle. "I honestly didn't think it was even possibly for you to get bored. But you've been a worker since you were a kid. Never stopping to take a break."

Taking her own sip, Becca nodded at the acknowledgement of her life. She had always been dedicated to dancing as a young girl, and then to her ranking in SHIELD. Now she was at a plateau with her mission right now on helping a guy that didn't even want to see her. Don't get her wrong, there was always something to do at work. Always looking over possible targets and double checking old assignments to make sure nothing new was popping up, but Becca liked to be in motion. But if her title one day would focus more on the internal structure of SHIELD, like Fury has been dangling in front of her, she assumed she should get use to it.

"From what I've been hearing the mumblings of, that office has been anything but quiet since a certain ancient artifact has been thawed out."

Becca rolled her eyes at the distasteful mention of Steve from her father. She hasn't told him that she was working with him because she knew he would react badly to it. She could remember the stories from her grandfather at a young age of the nation's hero, but right after that was her father's almost hatred for the man. So she would once again be playing secret agent between the two. "It definitely hasn't been quiet. Everyone wants their piece of Captain Rogers."

"Have you met him?" His deep brown eyes boring into her own hazel, almost green eyes today.

"I have." She nodded, drinking more of the wine to give her something to take her attention off the awkwardness of the situation.

"And? Is he everything everyone says he is?"

It was almost as if Tony wanted everything he's heard to be a lie. He didn't want to believe that the man his father worshipped to be the greatness that was spilled into his ears. Like he wanted to hold some sort of resentment to his father that he wasn't the amazement he had heard.

Becca had no idea how to answer the question the correct way, for herself, for Steve, or for Tony. "I don't know," she shrugged overthinking her response, "just seems like a normal guy to me that needs some help."

Tony thought about it for a second before a self deprecating smirk fell on his face. "Just a normal guy." He spat out, taking a swig of his whiskey as if his own medicine to deal with the thought.

Becca never fully saw her father jealous in her life. That probably had a lot to do with the fact that he easily could get anything he wanted, or he would make it himself. So seeing a person that he didn't even know making him boil under the skin gave her more anxiety then needed at this moment with her own problems with Steve.

The ding of the personal elevator broke the awkward silence around them, the two Starks turning to see Pepper walking in, phone to her ear. "Okay, we will make that happen." Pepper talked to whoever was on the other side of the phone call. "Alright, it will be our pleasure...mmhmm...great, we'll see you then." She hung up the phone and setting it on the bar along with her booklet.

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