Chapter 1 My Big Bad Wolf

Start from the beginning

I rolled my eyes and snorted when Stiles spoke, "No, a body of water. Yes dumbass, a dead body."

"Really Scott? You make me ashamed to be your twin." I said, shaking my head in shame.

Scott playfully glared at me and I glared back before saying “Demetri, what's that you say that you want to hug Scott. Well okay.”

And I swatted Scott with Demetri. "Hey!" He said as I hit his leg with Demetri and moved away from him hiding behind Stiles when he tried to hit me. "Ha!" I taunted him, laughing with victory.

Stiles jumped over the fence as Scott asked, "You mean like murdered?"

"Nobody knows yet just said it was a girl probably in her twenties." Dion said.

"Well, hold on, if they found the body then what are they looking for?" Scott inquired.

I moved to stand by my big bro Scott and said, "I agree with Scotty on this."

Stiles got an excited expression on his face and said, "That's the best part… They only found half."

I felt my eyes widen, "Awesome, we are going right?" I asked looking Scotty.

"We are so going." Stiles confirmed.

Adventure Time!

Scott and I went upstairs to get dressed. I changed into a black skirt that stopped at my knees and red tank top and my Red Riding Hood cloak and I took off  my contacts and put on my glasses. As soon as me and Scott changed we went down stairs and jumped into Stiles' and Dion's jeep. I sat in the back on Scotts lap because there was no room for me to sit with all this junk. Stiles decided he wanted to drive so Dion sat in the passenger sit.

   Dion turned around and looked at me saying “What are you Miss Little Red Riding Hood now.” I smiled, giggling before responding “Yup.” Popping out the P. And before I knew it we were there. This is awesome!

I practically threw myself out of the car with excitement as did Dion.

"Are we seriously doing this?" Scott, the more cautious twin, asked.

"You're the one that's always bitchin' that nothing ever happens in this town." Stiles said, grabbing a flashlight.

Scott looked at me for help. "Sorry, he speaks the truth. But come on, stop being a girl and live a little."

"Yeah," Stiles agreed, throwing an arm over my shoulder, "What Daci said."

Scott complied and we began walking. As we walked, Scott talked about getting a good night's sleep for lacrosse tryouts. This was a big thing to him and he seemed really pumped for this season, but I didn't want him to blow his hopes up. I mean he has tried out for two years and hasn't made it, or he did but it was second string. Which really means no playing time because who gets seriously injured from lacrosse? Just saying.

"Dion, my Apple buddy, out of curiosity, which half of the body are we looking for?" I asked, holding Scott's hand.

"Huh, I didn't even think about that." He responded. Really and he calls my twin the dumbass.

Scott chuckled with no humor, "And what if whoever killed the body is still out here?"

"Also something I didn't think about." Stiles said back to us.

"Wow Stiles, so you are basically leading twin and me into certain death." I said, looking at him in the corner of my eye while getting even closer to Scott.

He shrugged, "Basically."

I nodded, "Good to know." Scott snorted.

We began to climb up a steep hill and Scott spoke, "Maybe the severe asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight, huh?"

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