Twenty-One| on the arm of a hired boy

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By the time Ruby got out the front door of the town hall and into the frosty night air, Jerry had already walked the drive and was now turning onto the well traveled red road which went past the building. The source of the light which had been setup for the convenience of the dance attendance made him visible in the dark.

"Jerry!" Ruby called.

Hearing her cry, the boy turned. He hesitated and for a second it seemed he was going to ignore and keep walking, but then he came to a half resigned, half hopeful, stop.

"I need to talk to you!"

Ruby trotted down the steps and hurried to catch up with the boy before he changed his mind. She came to a stop beside him, looked up at him and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Home," said Jerry briefly. He shoved his hands in his pockets and stood awkwardly.

"But why?" asked Ruby.

Jerry shrugged. "I don't think I fit in here."

"Is this about Diana and Charlie?" asked Ruby quietly. "I saw them dancing together and I know she was your partner and —"

"Of course not," said Jerry. "Diana wanted to go with Charlie in the first place! I am happy for her."

"Then what—"

Before Ruby could continue, someone called loudly. "Wait! Wait you two!"

Ruby and Jerry turned in unison to see a boy with blond hair just exited the town hall. The two regarded the approaching Aaron Gray with mutual annoyance. This was their moment and they had no use for him.

"Do you need help with something?" asked Ruby politely.

"I think you're the one who needs help," said Aaron, walking forward and bearing a grin which he clearly, and erroneously, concluded was very suave and charming. "What are you chasing after him for?" he gestured dismissively at Jerry

Though a normally good humored fellow, Jerry was already having a bad night and Aaron's comments only made things worse. He cast Aaron a cold glance, then said, "I think I'll be going now." Then turned on his heel and started walking away, even more swiftly than ever.

"Jerry! No!" said Ruby, reaching for his arm, but he slipped out of her reach.

"You don't need him!" said Aaron to Ruby. "You need me! Come back to the dance with me, won't you?"

"There is only one person I want to go to the dance with — and it's Jerry Baynard." Ruby blushed as the words came tumbling out of her mouth.  Behind her, she heard Jerry stop suddenly in his tracks. "So, so thank you very much, but I do not "need" you. Good night."

Ruby turned her back on the handsome but obnoxious boy and followed in Jerry's footsteps. He was glancing over his shoulder with a numb expression on his face. His gaze followed the blonde girl as she continued to walk away from an offended Aaron Gray, and walked right past himself in the process.

Realizing Ruby was not going to stop until she was well out of sight of Aaron, Jerry jolted to a start and hurried after the girl. He fell into step beside her but that didn't say anything to each other or look at each other.

Jerry was numb. His mind replayed Ruby's words, there is only one person I want to go to the dance with, and it's Jerry. His stomach flipped giddily, and a small smile escaped from him, but it quickly disappeared when he glanced over at Ruby. With the exception of when she was having a hysterical break down, Ruby was usually smiling and enjoying herself. But at the moment her pretty features were wrinkled up in a concentrated frown.

The Hired Boy |Ruby Gillis & Jerry Baynard|Where stories live. Discover now