One | a trip into town

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It was an lazy sort of afternoon in Avonlea when Ruby Gillis and Diana Barry decided to go into town to buy some things from the General Store. Activity in the town was slow. The afternoon was hot and it seemed most had decided any shopping that needed to be done could wait. Diana's father, Mr. Barry was one of the few people who'd actually gotten out that day. Diana and Ruby had accompanied him so they could do some shopping of their own. Summer was almost over and this was their last chance to do so before school began. Both teenage girls, ages fourteen and fifteen, had dressed neatly for the occasion and carried baskets.

"I do hope Anne will like these colors," said Diana fretfully. She peeked into the basket she was carrying as they walked down the street, carefully avoiding any of the occasional traffic.

"I'm sure she will," said Ruby. "At least I think she will, but she's awful confusing. Sometimes I don't understand her."

"Yes, 'tis true," agreed Diana rather grimly. "And sometimes she can't seem to make up her mind about whether she likes something or not. She's usually quite decisive, but when it comes to certain things . . . Gilbert . . . for instance."

Ruby was quiet. It was common knowledge that Ruby had liked Gilbert for almost five years. It was also common knowledge that Gilbert liked Anne Shirley-Cuthbert and really couldn't care less about Ruby Gillis if she were a bird chirping while he was asleep. He was always kind to Ruby, but had no romantic feelings towards her what so ever. It had taken long enough, but Ruby was beginning to realize this. She had no chance with the boy. But you couldn't stop caring for someone just by telling yourself to.

Noticing how quiet her friend had suddenly become, Diana said in a gentle voice, "I'm sorry, Ruby. I know you still like Gilbert. I shouldn't have spoke of it."

"I try not to like him," said Ruby. "But he's just so handsome! Every time I see him I start to like him all over again!"

"I know," said Diana, leaning into Ruby in a comforting way. "All the girls liked Gilbert at some point However he seems to have eyes for only one."

"I don't think it's fair!" Ruby burst out. "Why does Gilbert like Anne when she acts like she hates him half the time?"

"That is the question," said Diana. "I suppose it's because —"

But Diana never finished her sentence. A voice called, "hello, ladies!"

Ruby looked around, made eye contact with a boy across the street, then quickly looked away. She linked her arm with Diana's and started to tug her urgently.

"Ruby? What on earth?" Diana demanded.

"Jerry Baynard is coming to talk to us!" said Ruby. "We need to go!"

"Ruby!" scolded Diana, shaking Ruby off. "Don't be rude!"

"Diana," said Ruby bossily. "We can not be seen in public with a hired boy."

"Just because he's a hired boy does not mean we shouldn't be civil to him," said Diana. "We should at least say hello!"

Diana turned and waved to the boy across the street. Ruby folded her arms across her chest, then turned to face Jerry with a haughty expression.

Jerry Baynard was the Cuthbert's hired hand of two years. He was very indebted to Diana's aunt, Josephine Barry, for letting him stay on at Green Gables while the Cutbert's were experiencing financial difficulties (which had long since been resolved.) Jerry was a nice lad; friendly, kind and hardworking. But because he was a hired hand, not to mention French, many people looked down upon him. This included Ruby Gillis. Ruby was a nice girl, but sometimes she didn't think for herself and merely agreed with the prejudice of everyone else.

The fact that he was a hired boy was not the only reason Ruby was disdainful towards Jerry. Ruby was convinced that the boy liked her. He'd once given her a flower and was always trying to get her attention whenever she was at the Cutbert's. Ruby was unaware that Jerry only used to like her. When she continually to snubbed him, Jerry decided that pursuing Ruby Gillis was not worth it. Not every boy  could be as persistent as Gilbert Blythe when it was obvious how much the girl disliked you.

Jerry tied up the stout pony he had dismounted only moments ago, then crossed the street. He fidgeted with his cap and hair as he approached the girls, trying to make himself look more presentable.

As if that would help, thought Ruby rather cruelly.

"Hello, Jerry," said Diana politely.

"Hello, Diana." Jerry nodded at Ruby. "Miss Ruby."

Ruby gave a noncommittal little twitch that might have been an attempt at a returning nod.

Diana elbowed her friend and hissed, "Ruby?"

"Hello," said Ruby rather stiffly. She stared straight ahead and avoided eye contact with the boy.

"What are you ladies doing in town today?" asked Jerry, grinning at Diana. Ruby might've found his French accent dashing on anyone else.

"We were doing a bit of shopping," said Diana, smiling at Ruby. Diana leaned forward and whispered, "We're making Anne a quilt."

"I think Anne will like that," said Jerry.

"I certainly hope so," said Diana. "Just don't tell her. It's meant to be a surprise."

"I won't," said Jerry, still grinning.

"What brings you to town this fine day?" asked Diana. "Are the Cuthbert's well?"

"Oui. Yes. Very well," said Jerry. "Mr. Cuthbert wanted me to fetch some supplies."

While Jerry and Diana exchanged polite conversation, Ruby was craning her neck around making sure there wasn't anyone around that she knew too well. Imagine if Josie Pye saw her and Diana talking to a hired hand! Josie already couldn't understand why Ruby and Diana spent so much company in the time of Anne Shirley-Cuthbert.

Ruby's gaze wandered upon a group of girls she knew from school. They were a little older than Diana and herself, and Ruby didn't know them well, but looked up to them as they were so very grownup.

"Diana," said Ruby.

Diana and Jerry were still conversing.

"Diana!" Ruby nudged Diana rather hard.

Diana looked around at her with a impatient expression. "What is it, Ruby?"

"Diana,"said Ruby. "We need to go now."

"What? Why?" asked Diana, he eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Because," said Ruby her eyes darting meaningfully towards Jerry. "We just do."

Diana opened her mouth to protest, but Ruby addressed Jerry before the other girl could speak.

"It was real nice seeing you," said Ruby without much sincerity. "Have a nice day. Come along Diana."

Ruby succeeded in tugging Diana along behind her.

"Aurevior," Jerry called after them.

"Aurevior, Jerry," Diana replied.

Ruby didn't say anything as she continued walking at top speed, pulling Diana behind her. She did, however, spare a glance behind. Jerry was standing there, watching them go. Ruby felt a twinge of guilt but there was nothing to be done. Her and Diana could not be seen associating with such people.

When the two girls reached the wooded path that lead back to Avonlea where Diana's father was supposed to be meeting them to drive them home after attending to his own errands, Diana turned on Ruby.

"Ruby, that was very rude," said Diana.

"Diana, he's just a hired boy!" said Ruby. "Besides he likes me, and I don't want him to think I like him, because I don't. And that's that."

Diana just shook her head, clearly unable to reckon with Ruby at the moment. Ruby felt fully justified. In her mind, she had done the right thing.

The Hired Boy |Ruby Gillis & Jerry Baynard|Where stories live. Discover now