Chapter 3 ~ He's so perfect

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Saturday 29th April 2018 (continued...)

♡Colleen's diary entry♡

I can't believe I've done it. I've really done it. Well, I guess I didn't but Erik did. Close enough. Can she keep her pretty young mouth closed?

♡Erik's POV♡

I carefully place Colleen on the bed. Even though I'm gentle, Colleen awakens.
"How did I get here?" She asks as I shut the door.
"You fell asleep so I brought you up here." I answer, apprehensive of what I know I need to tell her.
"Oh, thanks babe." Colleen smiles up at me. I take a deep breath in. I know this is the time I have to tell her.
"Look, Colleen, I uhh- please don't get mad but- I uhhh..." I stutter.
"Spit it out, Stocklin." Colleen says. She seems confused.
"I told Bailey." I say quickly.
"Oh, how?" Colleen asks. At least she hasn't murdered me yet.
"Well she came out of her room, no clue why, maybe she heard me, and saw me. She asked me to turn round and show her what I was carrying which, of course, was a shirtless Aunty Panties. On top of that I too was shirtless." I confess. "She asked if I really loved you and obviously I said I did. I then assumed I was dismissed and hurried in here." Colleen laughs.
"Why are you the best at telling stories?" She asks. "Get in here, Stocklin." She says, patting the bed next to her. I pull off the covers and both of us get in. She cuddles in to me and I kiss her head.
"So you're not mad?" I ask hopefully.
"'Course not!" She smiles, "Bailey knows how to keep her mouth shut. She'll probably have forgotten by tomorrow and will be shocked when we tell them."
"We're telling them tomorrow?" I ask excitedly.
"Yes!" Colleen grins up at me.
"Yayyyy!" I squeal.
"Awww, stop being so cute!" She says, combing her hand through my messy hair. She looks me in the eyes and leans towards me. I let my lips attach to her and I kiss her slowly. I wrap my arms around her and she puts her hands on my bare chest. I pull away from her and smile.
"We should probably get some sleep, gorgeous." I say reluctantly. "Big day tomorrow and all." Colleen cuddles herself close to me and rests her head on my shoulder. "I'm looking forward to it!" I smile.
"That's not the only big thing I'm looking forward to." Colleen winks at me. I laugh and place my hand on her butt. She looks up at me and smirks.
"There's no cushion for the pushion back there." Colleen grins.
"You're perfect, big butt, small butt. You're what matters to me, not how big your butt is." I say honestly. Colleen smiles as I stroke the side of her face.
"Thank you, Erik, that means a lot to me. You matter so much to me too and I don't know what I'd do without you." She tells me. It means a lot to hear that.
"Well, you'd be flaunting that cute little butt of yours." I joke. Colleen laughs at me then kisses my lips gently.
"I love you, Stocklin." She smiles.
"Love you too, Ballinger!" I grin. "By the way, what did Jessica say earlier?"
"She knows about us" Colleen admits.
"How?" I ask. I'm pretty surprised to know Colleen told her.
"She's just good at guessing, I suppose. I didn't tell her, if that's what you think. She told me to be careful and not get pregnant till I'm ready." Colleen says. I wasn't exactly planning on that any time soon so that was fine. "I reminded her that I do own condoms." Colleen grins. I laugh. She's the absolute cutest thing.
"You're so cute, Ballinger, your little face-" I start.
"And my cute little butt?" Colleen jokes. I playfully hit her arm. "Oi! Don't hit me!"
"Do you not like being hit by me?" I ask, winking.
"Hmmm...let me think..." She grins, "of course I do, Stocklin. You make me feel like no-one else ever could. You make me happy, something that I haven't known for a while." She says.
I move my hand down and hit her pussy.
"Oww!" She laughs, "You know how to turn a girl on, I'll give you that, Erik!"
"Well you said you liked being hit!" I laugh. I feel her hand move across my body before feeling a slap on my butt.
"Colleen," I say, "I love you but I don't want to stain this bed. Bailey may know that I love you but she probably shouldn't know our guilty pleasures!" I wink.
"Ok fineee!" Colleen grins. "But you owe me double back in LA. And hard."
"Sounds like a pretty damn good deal to me! One condition though, shower in LA?" I wink.
"Well of course, Stocklin!" Colleen smiles, "Now get you cute little face on my lips!" She laughs at her little joke. I lean in and kiss her passionately. Colleen kisses me back and then pulls away.
"Is it just me or are you tired too?" Colleen asks, looking into my eyes.
"Not just you!" I smile, "Now, shut your beautiful brown eyes and let your cute face sleep!" She smiles up at me and then puts her head back on my chest. She closes her beautiful eyes and I kiss the top of her head. She smiles a small smile before we both fall into a deep sleep...

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