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Tessa entered Asgard with a smirk as she sighed hoping to see Heimdall. "Long time no see Heimy- what who the hell are you?"

Tessa stared down an asgardian who was trying to woo two women.
"Heimdall was an idiot." Tessa watched as he talked, stupidity pouring from his mouth.

"This job should have made him rich." The man shook his head in disappointment.
"Oh my Vormir." Tessa rolled her eyes back in frustration.
"How have you not noticed I was here? Are you that desperate for some tits! Here I'll show you mine!" Tessa yelled causing the new gate man to look at her.

"How the hell did you get here?"
"You let me through dipshit." Tessa snarked. "No I didn't love, the big sword is over there." He pointed to the sword.

"I don't even know what to say."
"How about your name. The king requests I get everyone's name."

"Finnish trying to woo these poor ladies and then maybe I will." Tessa made a deal which the man happily obliged.

"Anyways, now the job ain't easy but it does have its benefits." The man started up again which the two ladies just looked even more confused with Tessa standing there awkwardly as she picked at her nail bed.

"The Bifrost gives me access to everything the Nine Realms has to offer. I mean it's all mine for the taking." He smirked.

"It's really not though..." Tessa fake coughed.

The man continued on, "Behold..."
He walked over to his stash of items.

"Even Tony doesn't have any of this shit and he's the king of random shit." Tessa shook her head in disbelief as she saw all the things the man had taken from the Realms.

"Fucking Walmart: Nine Realms edition."

"My stuff." He points awakrdly to the pile of random things causing the  two ladies to eye it curiously.

"My asshole has better things than this idiot." Tessa continued to talk to herself out loud.

"Do you mind?" He snapped at Tessa who just looked at him with a bored expression.
"No actually I don't."
Unsure on how to reply to the blunt blue girl he continued to talk to the girls about his stuff.

Picking up two guns he showed them off to the girls.

"I'm particularly fond of these."
"Well now we know what size you are packing down under mate... zero..."

"I pulled them out of a place on Midgard called Texas."

Grabbing her blue haired Tessa let out a scream. "You are one of the reasons I hate this stupid planet!"

Ignoring Tessa's the man smirked,
"I even named them. Des and Troy."

The two ladies just looked at each other.
"You see, when you put them together, they destroy." He pointed the guns at the girls.

"First rule of gun safety is don't let a fucking idiot touch one! Actually no it's DON'T POINT THEM AT SOMEONE!" Tessa yelled at the man.
"What do you mean-" The asgardian says only to be interrupted.
"Heimdall? I'm running short on options."
Thor's voice breaks through.
"Activate the bifröst you idiot! Don't make me do that myself!" Tessa growls but gets ignored by the Asgardian who stood in place using a shake weight.
'Men', she thinks to herself.

"Um Skurge." One of ladies spoke catching his attention."
"Is that important?"
"Is that important? Of course it is!" Tessa sighed loudly before walking over to the man now known as Skurge. Grabbing the shake weight out of his hands, Tessa threw the weight off the bridge into the sky filled void below.
"Now activate the damn bifröst before I throw you off into the void." Tessa orders Skurge.

Skurge runs to the giant sword that activates the bifröst. Grabbing it he heads over to start.
"You girls are in for a treat." He says like a giddy child. Tessa nervously rolls her eyes.
"Hurry up!"

Skurge twists the sword causing it to glow. Then suddenly Thor flys and everyone is covered in dead dragon blood.
Shrieking Tessa jumps trying to get the nasty gooey remains off her.
"Ew ew ew, nice entrance Barbie, ew ew and more ew!" Tessa gags before snapping her fingers and making herself clean of dead monster.
As the dead monsters head rolls, the now traumatized asgardian girls run away screaming.
"Girls! Come on!" Skurge calls after them but to no avail they didn't stop running.
Sighing Skurge walks over to Thor clearly pissed off. Tessa reads his mind. Starting up her powers, slight trickles of blue fall from her hands.
"Well, well, well. Look who decided to pop in. I shouldn't be surprised this blue girl came out of nowhere and now you."
Skurge scoffs at the sight of Tessa getting ready to throw the first punch. Thor gently holds her back while slightly smirking.
"Thanks for scaring away my company." The other asgardian continues to complain.
"Yeah cause that's what scared them away not your awful personality, no of course not why would it." Tessa snarks causing blue to form all around her.
Thor just smirks at her aggressiveness. He was just amazed by everything she did.
"Oh and thanks for drenching my workspace in brains." Skurge continued to complain.

Thor looked him up and down before starring him right in the eyes.
"Who are you?"
This made Skurge even more annoyed.
"Don't you know remember? I'm Skurge." He points to himself.

Tessa and Thor just look at each other then back at Skurge.
"Oh my- we fought together on Vanaheim."
Thor rolls his eyes while Tessa just shrugs. She was getting bored. This Skurge man was totally pissing her off. His mind was so incredibly tiny. His thoughts were some of the most basic she has encountered in a while.

"Right. Where is Heimdall?" Thor's asks making Tessa scoff. "This idiot wouldn't tell me either."
Skurge glares at Tessa who glares right back.
"That traitor. No one knows. He's a fugitive of the throne."
Starring into his mind Tessa scoured it for any traces of information regarding Heimdall. Not much was there. This man was truly not that bright.
Tessa looked up at Thor whose face was scrunched up in confusion.
"Yeah. Well, you see Odin charged Heimdall with negligence of duty.."
Tessa dropped her jaw.
"And what the fuck are you doing? Mr. Des-Troy? Hmm?"
"But he disappeared before the trial."
Skurge finished.
"Good for old Heimy." Tessa said quietly to herself or so she thought. She felt a slight nudge from Thor who was just deeply confused and now slightly angry.
"Yeah." Skurge shakes his head. "It's hard to catch a guy who can see everything in the universe."
"Sure." With that Thor grabs Tessa's hand and walks away. Interlocking their hands Thor winds up his hammer.
"Hold on I'm supposed to announce you to the-"
Thor and Tessa fly off towards the castle.
"king, I'm totally going to get fired."

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