Callie sat back down and looked at the famed casting director. Her blonde hair had gone gray at the temples and she wore a pair of wire-rimmed glasses perched on the tip of her nose.

"I love you in Sanctum - I think you bring a unique fire to the character and the show. But when Tom suggested you, we were a little thrown for a loop. This doesn't really seem like a character we'd expect to come from you," Sarah explained.

"Tom?" Callie asked.

"Hiddleston. Your co-star. He's been cast for weeks and we asked him for a few names. Yours was at the top of his list," the older woman explained. "Of course, I have to be honest and tell you that I'm not exactly pulling for you. I don't know that you have the experience the role will need." Callie raised an eyebrow. "But, please, don't think my opinion will affect anything. I really just want to see you and Tom together to make a decision."

"Wait, no one told me this was a chemistry read," Callie stammered.

Before she could say anything else, the door opened again and two men walked through it. The taller of the two had short brown hair and cheekbones that could have cut glass. Bright blue eyes stood out behind black-rimmed glasses. Callie was so taken by Tom that she barely registered the other man next to him.

"Callie Morrison, Tom Hiddleston," Sarah introduced them.

Tom held out his hand. "Tom. Nice to meet you."

Callie blinked, momentarily stunned by his surprisingly white smile. "Callie. Likewise," she replied after a second, shaking his hand.

"Callie, this is the director Sam Brightwell," Sarah said. "He wrote the script as well, so I'm going to let him take over since this is basically his baby."

"The basic summary of the film is that a young couple falls in love and has a child, whom they eventually lose. Most of the story is focused on the couple's reactions to this event," Sam explained. "The relationship itself is like an additional character in the film, so I really want a couple that can do more than just make the relationship believable; I want you two to bring it to life. I want you two to jump off the screen for audiences."

Callie glanced at Tom and immediately blushed when she discovered his eyes were already on her.

"Tom, I know you suggested Callie, so why don't you tell me - and her - why you picked her specifically," Sarah asked, clicking a pen and poising her hand to write.

Tom cleared his throat. "I saw Callie in a production in the West End earlier this year and I was really impressed," he said. "I think it showed her range. I think she's got a lot more to put out there besides what she gives Sanctum."

"And the attention Sanctum is getting will only help the film when it comes time for release," Sarah said, writing as she spoke. "And Tom, you'll definitely help the profile of the film as well. But, we really need to see how you two seem together."

"Right. But before we get to the script, I just want to watch you two and see how you interact," Sam said. "This is going to seem unconventional, but I really want to see you out of a traditional audition environment." Sarah looked at him in confusion. "Let's go get coffee or something and just talk, like you would if you two had just met."

Tom and Callie exchanged a glance. "Uh...sure," Callie agreed.

If she had other film auditions to base her opinion on, Callie probably would have noticed that it was not exactly standard practice to get coffee as part of an audition, but it was what the director wanted. Sam was a newcomer, and if the film did well, being in his good graces could be helpful down the line. So, she stood and followed Sarah and Sam out of the conference room. Tom held the door open for them all before falling into step next to her.

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