[10- Back home]

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We arrived back home late Tuesday night, well technically early Wednesday morning.

"I don't like having to share you with the rest of the family," Emmett grumbled as he retrieved our bags from the trunk.

I chuckled softly and grabbed his outstretched hand. "So possessive," I chided.

He shrugged and we made our way to the front door. We spent the rest of the morning unpacking and started the school work we missed; a couple of essays and reports. I finished them in a few minutes.

"Where's Edward?" I asked as Jasper and Alice came down from the stairs so we could drive to school.

"He left early to pick up Bella," Alice replied nonchalantly.

"Really? How much did we miss?" Emmett said.

"I think he should explain," she said before heading to the garage. I bit my lip, I knew she knew more than she was letting on. But even though I really wanted to, it wasn't right to press her for information.

Emmett drove us all to school in his Jeep. Typically, we only used it to go off-roading, something I had grown to love doing. It felt extremely ridiculous showing up in a car with tires that came up to my waist. When we arrived, there was no sign of the Volvo in the car park.

Finally it was lunch. Edward and Bella seemed to be in a deep conversation as they entered the cafeteria, purchased food, and sat down at an empty table.

"What would you do if someone dared you to eat food?" she continued in a low voice that would only carry to immortal ears. That's what we missed; Bella discovered what we were. I tensed, watching everyone's reaction. Alice, of course, already knew, so her expression remained unchanged. Same with Emmett.  Jasper's expression, on the other hand, was masked, but I could tell he was angry.

"How did she find out?" I asked Alice.

She furrowed her eyebrows, "I have no idea. I didn't see anything."

I smiled, thinking back to when I found out the Cullens' secret, "Well she definitely didn't hack into our computer system and find our utility bills."

Alice grinned and Jasper's mouth dropped in disbelief, "Wait, what? Alice, you told me she did online research!" She laughed.

"Technically she wasn't lying," I said, "I would classify hacking online research. Did you really thing I would stop after looking up 'vampire' on Google? I needed concrete evidence."

A little while after we returned home from school, I heard the Volvo pull up the driveway. The car door shut and Edward appeared in the living room. Everyone except Carlisle was already here.

"I owe you all an explanation," Edward cut straight to the chase.

"She tricked one of the boys down at the reservation into telling her. And get this, the boy, Jacob Black is related to the shapeshifters we made the treaty with a few years ago."

I supposed this meant they violated the treaty. If we wanted to declare war, we could, but of course, there was no reason to. Yet. What was that saying? Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

"Well there's not much we can do know except wait," Emmett said. Everyone nodded in agreement and started drifting away.

"Was it like this when I found out?" I asked when we into our room.

"Like what?" He said as we laid down on our bed. I readjusted one of the pillows to face him.

"Tense. I feel like Jasper's going to snap at any minute and Alice is kind of detached with her visions."

He chuckled, "Not exactly. I was a lot more forthcoming than Edward."

"How so?"

"Edward tends to internalise his problems, I prefer to talk about them. And he over-analyzes situations and has a tendency to overreact. Also the scent of your blood didn't nearly match the attraction he has for Bella's, so that complicates things."

"Are you alright with Bella finding out?"

He sighed, "I'm not thrilled, but it doesn't make sense for me to be angry. After all, you found out. I guess in the grand scheme of things, she was going to find out sooner or later, given the way he feels about her."

"I love this new perceptive, happy Emmett," I said with a grin.

"Being with you has changed me in more ways than one," he said, gently tugging me closer to him, "The happiness I feel when I'm with you has no precedent. Before I met you, as much as I enjoyed the companionship of everyone but, I realised I had never truely felt happy. Everything the world had to offer were just distractions."

"You're making me blush!" I giggled, disguising the fact that anything I could say would never match his. 

I rested my head on Emmett's chest, his arm wrapped around me. He flicked on the TV and we watched a college basketball game in a comfortable silence.

Genesis [Emmett Cullen] (2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें