[13- Storm]

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Emmett and I raced towards home plate at full speed.

"What the hell, Alice? You didn't see them coming? I thought you said they were headed east!" Edward spoke, his voice too fast for Bella to hear, probably to not frighten her.

"I didn't see, I couldn't tell," Alice muttered, aghast.

"What is it, Alice?" Carlisle spoke calmly, careful not to overreact.

"They were traveling much quicker than I thought. I can see I had the perspective wrong before," Alice said.

Jasper's eyes darted around the clearing as he hovered over Alice. "What changed?"

"They heard us playing and it changed their path."

Everyone glanced at Bella, all thinking the same thought at the same time. The first thing that crossed my mind was protecting her; she was a part of Edward's life and subsequently, mine.

"How soon?" Carlisle asked.

Edward focussed for a few seconds and replied, "Less than five minutes. They're running, they want to play."

"We don't have time to get Bella out of here," Carlisle grimaced.

"Let them come," Emmett sneered.

"Let's just continue the game," Carlisle addressed everyone. "Alice said they were simply curious."

I took my position at second base, Emmett in the outfield, though much closer than before.

We resumed our game, but kept the batting to bunts and the fielding shallow, everyone paying more attention to the forest than to the game.

Within thirty seconds, I heard faint sounds of our visitors moving through the trees beyond right field. They were no longer running, but approaching more cautiously. We all turned toward right field at the same time, our vampire hearing on high alert.

Three vampires entered the clearing one at a time about a dozen feet apart. The first male into the clearing fell back immediately, allowing the other male to take the front, orienting himself around the tall, dark-haired man in a manner that clearly displayed who led the pack. The third was a women with a full mane of fiery red hair.

Judging by appearance, this coven was nomadic and wild, far removed from any humanity they once might have had. They dressed in the style of Northwest backpackers: jeans and casual button-down shirts in heavy, weatherproof fabrics, but were dirty and their clothes were ragged and frayed. They wore no shoes and carried no gear because they needed none. Both men had cropped hair, but the woman's brilliant orange hair was filled with leaves and debris from the woods.

Carlisle, flanked by Emmett and Jasper, stepped forward to greet the outsiders. The group responded by abandoning their bestial stances, but the two in the back did not relax their vigilance. The woman scanned our group and the clearing continuously, alert for any threat, while the rear male seemed focused on some kind of analysis. His eyes did not move, as if he was attempting to determine our relationships to one another. It was strange to them that we could exist as such a large coven in peace.

The leading vampire seemed more civilized than the other two, with more human–like gestures and movements. He stepped forward as their spokesman and offered a smile. Probably the coven leader.

"We thought we heard a game. I'm Laurent, this is Victoria and James."

"I'm Carlisle. This is my family, Emmett, Jasper, Eleanor, Esme, Alice, Edward, and Bella." Jasper was promoting a calm atmosphere to deflect any latent hostility.

"Do you have room for a few more players?" Laurent inquired.

Carlisle returned Laurent's cordiality, but hedged his bets. "Actually, we were just finishing up. But we'd certainly be interested another time. Are you planning to stay in the area for long?"

"No, but we were curious to see who was in the neighborhood. We haven't run into any company in a long time."

"No, this region is usually empty except for us and the occasional visitor, like yourselves."

"What's your hunting range?" Laurent queried. He probably assumed that we were also nomads.

"The Olympic range here, up and down the coast ranges on occasion. We keep a permanent residence nearby. There's another permanent settlement like ours up near Denali." Laurent's surprise was evident.

"Permanent? How do you manage that?"

"Why don't you come back to our home with us and we can talk comfortably? It's a rather long story." Carlisle's invitation caught the visitors by surprise, more for the word home than for the invitation itself.

"That sounds very interesting, and welcome. We've been on the hunt all the way down from Ontario, and we haven't had the chance to clean up in a while."

Carlisle continued the conversation. "Please don't take offense, but we'd appreciate it if you'd refrain from hunting in this immediate area. We have to stay inconspicuous, you understand."

"Of course," Laurent replied congenially. "We certainly won't encroach on your territory. We just ate outside of Seattle, anyway," he chuckled. My expression tightened, sometimes it caught me off guard how different our family was compared to the 'average vampire', almost like we were a completely different species.

"We'll show you the way if you'd like to run with us -Emmett and Alice, you can go with Edward and Bella to get the Jeep."

And suddenly, as a light breeze swept Bella's hair, the situation went from being tense to deadly.

"You brought a snack?" Laurent asked, coming to the only conclusion that made sense to him. He stepped toward Bella.

Edward snarled fiercely, baring his teeth in an unmistakable message. Laurent received it and stepped back.

"She's with us." Carlisle's voice was harsh, cold.

"But she's human," Laurent said, astonished.

"Yes," Carlisle confirmed.

Emmett and Jasper seemed to have expanded to occupy more space, creating a front line of defense beside Carlisle. Emmett was sizing up James, ready to take him on and I had no doubt he could win. Jasper's eyes were fixed on Victoria, who had remained in the background, seeming bewildered, but nevertheless, was crouched for a fight. I remained close by Bella's side, my arms positioned to grab her and run her to safety, if needed. Carlisle and Laurent, the spokesmen, remained committed to a truce.

"It appears we have a lot to learn about each other," Laurent offered.

"Indeed," Carlisle agreed, standing firm.

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