Facts about the Author

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Hi so I decided to do an facts chapter so you can get to know me better and up there is a face revel

I'm going to list about 20 facts about me so let's get started

I still have a boyfriend, like I'm not even joking, I had one in 2nd grade and he just left without breaking up with me

The shows I'm currently binge watching at the moment is once upon a time and heroes reborn like come on once I'm already on season 5 and heroes reborn I'm already on episode 8 and I started watching it like yesterday

I'm not really that smart you see the reason why I'm not that smart is because, I may have mentioned this but I'm 70% Deaf in both of my ears

I'm not a morning person

Sometimes I can be a jokester, like one time I almost got kicked out of a store for acting crazy

I'm not the most socialize person on the planet, I used to be but my family has changed from some things but I'm not getting into that

I enjoy dancing literally everywhere I go I have to do a handstand or a cartwheel, one time I almost hit the floor from a handstand

I can touch the end of my nose with my tongue

Teletubies used to scare me when I was a child

I wear shorts everyday even in the winter

I have a thing for food, that I named the pantry foodus

I procrastinate a lot and I mean A LOT

I got pushed on a track by a bully in the 1st grade but mainly the reason he did that was probably because he liked me, that's what people told me

I had a substitute teacher in the 1st grade that hated my guts

I love kids

In my free time I like to make musically or watch YouTube

My favorite song at the moment is cheap trills by Sia

I've been the middle school chours for 3 and a half years, I joined on my second semester in 6th grade

I still have one of my teachers phone number in my phone and I don't know why

I dated a kid in the 8th grade that I didn't even know for about 5 minutes and then he broke up with me

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