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Hi I have been tagged by MusicalMya so anyway let's get started

Hi I have been tagged by MusicalMya so anyway let's get started

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1: Do I have a crush

Well I have a lot actuallly, but all my school crushes either has a girlfriend or they just don't want to date me, but my tv crushes are a lot of the boys from once upon a time which who are British, and Ricky Garcia and emery Kelly from forever in your mind

2. Middle name

My middle names Nicole but, here's a little
Story about my middle name

When I was born my mom wrote down my full name on the birth certificate, then when I turned 15 I found out that my middle name wasn't actually Nicole my whole life that it was Nicolas and I was mad at my mom for a second but they said they changed it the day after I was born so I'm officially a Nicole 😂😂😂


I don't know maybe 5'3

4:shoe size

7 or a 7 And a half or an 8 depending on how the shoes made

5:Eye color


6:Last time I cried

It was the other day when I was watching the last episode of school of and rock or a really sad once upon a time episode I really don't remember

7:biggest fear

Bee's,Snakes,Death,Losing someone I love, or losing my best friend

8:last song you listened to

Gotta be me from Teen Beach Movie or  Best of Both worlds from Hannah Montana

9:last person I texted her

Does Snapchat count if so my friend from kindergarten or regular texting my grandmother (don't judge)

10:favorite app

Snapchat,musical.ly, watch abc, YouTube,wattpad and my music apps

Again don't know who to tag so it's free for everyone

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