~> Chapter 15 <~

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Chapter 15: Execution (Prt 2)


I will not watch my dad sacrifice his life to be beheaded

"Princess you shouldn't be here," Said one of the castle guards

"I think I should, let go of my father before you see the other side of me." said summer

"Summer don't do this."

"Dad you don't deserve this," I said

"He tried to kill us all," said Kale One of the popular princesses

"My dad is a good man,"

"He tried to kill us,"

"I know but still he doesn't deserve this," I said

"Princess please leave," Said the other guard

"Not without my father," I said as I crossed my arms

"Just go I'll be fine," Peter said

"Dad," I said then I was to late he was already dead

"YOU PEOPLE DISGUST ME!" I said then I ran with tears forming my eyes

I feel bad for summer, because I watched the execution from my castle room I just want to run and hug her, so I went to my parents

"You said nothing was going to happen to him," I said

"Son it had to be done," my mother said

"Don't you care for summer, you just killed her father for Camelot sakes," I said then summer ran in

"He's gone.....AND THIS IS YOUR FAULT." Summer said as she was glaring daggers at my mom and dad


"NO YOU PROMISED THAT NOTHING BAD WOULD HAPPEN TO MY FATHER AND HE WENT THROUGH EXECUTION! What wrong with you people are you trying to ruin my happiness," summer said as she was streaming my tears and then there was silence until my mother spoke

"That's no way a princess should talk to a queen,"

"I don't care anymore, I just want to go home," Summer said then she ran to her room

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