Adoration and bow ties

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It wasnt like one of those cheesy movies, where suddenly someone starts sobbing and then everyone else is bawling their heads off. No, it happened slowly, but like a tidal wave.

After Clarissa had her outburst, it seemed like her gang really did stick by her. They did exactly what they had always been told to do. Go along with her.

And suddenly, the four toughest girls in school were sobbing. Slicked back ponytails, leather jackets and fags dangling from their lips, they burst into tears. It took a few seconds for me to take it all in, and by that time, some girl in the corner of the room had started sniffling, followed by her friends, then her friends friends, and I'm not even kidding, even some of the macho jocks were suddenly finding the ceiling very interesting. I stared around me, as girls pressed satin blouses to their noses or sniffled onto their boyfriends shoulder.

'Do you really only think of me as hot?' I heard someone say.

'Im just such a biiitch!' A girl snuffles into her boyfriends chest, and I can hear similiar outcrys all around the room. What have I done?

Then I remember. Looking past the bawling gang, I catch Kira's eye and smile tentivaly. Will she forgive me?

But her eyes are hard and cold,and she stands up and walks out of the room.

                                                         * * *

'It brought a tear to even MY eye!' Justin clutches his heart theatrically, and I swat him with my rolled up school newspaper. Ever since the outbreak of the crying episode in the cafeteria, I have been the topic of discussion, even more then before. And once again, I'm the schools hottie, even though after my huge speech all the guys are seriously wary around me. When asking me out, the conversation usually goes:

'Hey Sandy. Wanna go out? I loved your speech about shallowness and all. Really. Impressive, babe.'

'Rather not go out thanks.'

'Like, I think of you as SO much more that. Really.'

'Mmmm. Thanks. Lets stay friends, yeah?'

'Your empowerment. Your like, whatcha call it-feather-mism?'

'You mean femenism?'

'Yeah thats it. Anyway, so you up for a drink some time? Cos i'm not like all the other guys. My first priority is that you feel, ya know, spe-hey! Why you walking away?'

Justin takes the micky to the max. I sometimes forget why im friends with him.

Still, its not like he doesnt get his fair share of adoration. Their are girls who still trail past him, telling him about their prom dresses and how loads of boys have asked them out and how they only really wish for a knight in shining armour to take them away on his horse.

The thought of Justin on a horse makes me laugh. He'd probably moan about the clunky riding boots.

Me and Justin dont talk about the prom much. Ironic really, since were the ones going together. I know that he wants me to turn up in something sexy and short, and he knows that I prefer the elegant and 'covered' look, so were at odds. But I have expressly forbidden him to wear a bow tie, which he thinks would be funny and apparently all his 'mates' are in on it. But really, none of these things matter, when the perfect prom would be too dance with my best friends.

Authors note:

Heya! Hope you liked this. I know its been a while since i last wrote, but i wanted to leave it on a cliffhanger for a while. Please comment/fan/vote, remember, it only takes a second, and how do you feel wen someone does it too you? So please take a second of your time too, and I will love you eternally!!!!!! Byeeexx

P.S Who's excited to see what her prom dress will be like?

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