Suprise making out and fresh pain

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Chapter six

Im entering for the Watty Awards so please vote if you like my story, thankyou!!!!!!!!!

I sit back on the sofa, listening to Kira prattle on about her date with Reece.

'He is such a gentlemen, Sandy! Y'know I always thought he had, like, this big thing for you, but get this! When he was walking me home he kissed me!' This gets my attention, and I sit up.

'He kissed you???' It came out a little sharper then I intended.

'Yeah, a real smooch!' Kira seems oblivious to my tone of voice. 'And in the cinema, when there was this really soppy bit and I started getting a little teary-eyed, he held my hand!' She squeaks in excitement, and I try to be positive.

'Wow, Kira, thats...Great.' Okay, I am officially terrible at lying. Theres a silence.

'Sandy, are you okay?' She's sensed theres something wrong. I can't hold it back any longer.

'You know what? I'm not.' And I launch into my story.

When I'm finished, theres a pause. Then she says,

'You need to stop beating yourself up. You had no idea that his girlfriend was paralysed, did you? All you knew was that he was some kinda jackass who deserved to be put right. You shouldn't feel guilty.' She sounds so convincing, but I'm still not sure.

'I guess...'

'I know what will cheer you up,' I know she's about to launch into one of her tirades.

'We should go to a club tomorrow night! Maybe D.W.U. Whatcha think?' She sounds so excited I can hardly say no.

'Yeah, sure. I guess it could be fun...' I'm about to break.

'I'm bringing Reece...' Immediatley I change my mind.

'Then I'm not coming! No way am I gonna watch you and Reece dance together when I haven't got a date.' I shake my head violently, not caring about the fact that she couldn't see me.

'But Kira...Can't you just bring Danny?'

'Danny? Why would I bring Danny?' I say incredulously.

'Cause you guys are best buds!' She says it as if its obvious, and I scowl.

'Yeah, well were not anymore. You know we had that fight.'

Kira sighs. 'Yeah, I know, but don't you see? He's upset with you cause he wants you to like him, y'know, more then a friend. By inviting him to D.W.U, your kinda saying that your sorry and that you want one more chance.' She waits for me to reply. I chew my bottom lip, thinking about it. Maybe she was right...


* * *

'Here ya go.' I set the glass down in front of Danny, sitting beside him on the bar. Music pounds in my ears, and I have to shout over the music. Dancing with you was packed with people, and it hadn't taken Kira very long to get hammered as she swung to the music, her arms wrapped around Reece's waist. All around us are couples dancing together, and after a while I get sick of being the only one at the bar. 'You wanna dance?' I ask Danny, and he nods and grins. We swing ourselves off the stools and move towards the dance floor. Taking Danny's hands we dance akwardly to the music, only getting really relaxed after like five minutes. Half way through the song, my head is on Danny's shoulder, and his arms are around my waist. Were dancing slowly, as if were in our own little world, where it's just me and him. At one point, I look up, and he's looking down at me. We stare at each other for a moment, then he leans in...I pull back abruptly.

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