Senior prom date competition

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Im entering for the Watty Awards so please vote if you like my story, thankyou!!!!!!!!!

Chapter four

'Omigod! Omigod...OMIGOD!' This is what I've been hearing for the last hour. Every door I open, every corner I turn, all I hear are flocks of flustered girsl going 'OMIGOD! WHAT AM I GONNA DO? OMIGOD!' And all because of this stupid competition.

Three days have passed, and now its getting near to seniour graduation. Hence Kira and Ian's senior prom date competition, therefore the entire junior year making complete fools out of themselves. Honestly the amount of work put into this is unbelievable. There are pink ribbons and banners put up all around the hall, plus a platform covered in roses with a big blown up poster behind it. Crowds of girls doing their makeup, adjusting their hair, and frantically zipping up dresses and pulling on eighteen inch heels, are everywhere. It seems like i'm the only girl who hasn't bothered trying. All i'm wearing are a pair of skinny jeans, a tank top, and some converse. I didnt even bother putting on much makeup, apart from mascara and lipgloss. In fact, I think I'm trying to defie the entire purpose of this competition in every way. Possible.

Kira is at the front of the platform, looking gorgeous in a navy blue dress with a slit down the side. Ian is at her side, looking akward and out of place in a tuxedo, obviously embaressed to be at the centre of this much girl drama, and the seniors are lined up behind him. Looks like theres one more to come.

The first one is a short, geeky red head, with freckles and round, owlish glasses. He's looking around the room at all the girls. Ewww. He just licked his lips.

The second is an okay looking guy called Robbie Myrons. We all know him cause he's head of the film club. Every year, the film club will hold an assembly, showing us all their movies they've made in the past months. They're mostly about how to stop the world from dying and how cows are human beings too, but Robbie's come up with some pretty decent ones in the past.

The third one is Aaron. He arrived here from Russia last semester and is suprisingly good looking. He's got dark brown hair and brown eyes and he's kinda muscly too. The only thing which puts the girls of is the fact that he has braces. Sorry, correction, metal wires which are always covered in spit and saliva and fly everywhere when he speaks.

Not a major attraction.

The fourth one is someone I didn't expect to see here. Rick Trunchmen. Popular with the guys, but not with the girls. He's well known for being a weirdo and using sleazy pick up lines to get girls, and apparently keeps a picture od Jennifer Anniston on his cell phone just so he can salivate in class. Last time he tried to chat up a girl, she poured hot chocolate over his head. He won't be very popular tonight.

The fifth senior still hasn't turned up, and it looks like Kira's gonna have to start without him.

'OK, girls, rap it up!' She speaks into the microphone and immediatley they turn, fixed smiles on their faces and attempts of sneaky glances at the seniors. You can see the disappointment in their faces.

'Welcome to the Senior Prom Date competition!' She pauses and waits for the claps to die down.

'Here we have, Charlie Aeman,' she points to red head and he grins goofily. Theres silence.

'Robbie Myrons!' A few cheers, but mostly just friendly ones.

'Aaron Sluockovic!' Everyone instinctivlely steps back, avoiding the shower of spit that comes raining down on us as Aaron smiles with his mouthful of metal.

'Rick Trunchmen...' he gets the biggest reaction. Boo's and screeches of 'You sleaze!' and 'Get outta here ya weirdo!' come from the crowd. He just grins and says;

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