This Is How It All Began

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   I was sat in the back of my limousine, viewing the outdoors that passed as we drove by. The trees surrounded us with all of their gloom, adding to my ominous mood. It's such a shame my dad cannot afford a better limousine. Such a shame.

    "Here we are, Mr. Drumpf." 

   "Excuse me?" I exclaim, the door beside me now opened.

   The stupid Mexican, probably a rapist, clears his throat, "sorry- Mr. Trump. You have arrived."

   I shake my head, stepping out of the limousine. See, and this is what is ruining our.. country. People... like him. 

    The large building intimidated me. Bigly University. Such a nice name. I mean, it is such a nice name. So nice. 

    I gesture to the bellboy to grab my 4, very large, suitcases as we tread along to my room. Room 306. 

    I have to say... I am quite shocked at the buildings interior. It needs change... I'm gonna make this place great again. That is exactly what I'm gonna do.

    The bellboy sets all of my things in my room. He then puts his hand out to me. Confused, but nevertheless, I shake his hand and then ask him to please leave.  He only scoffs. 

   As I am about to sit down onto my bed to rest, my thoughts are interrupted by a piercing sound coming from the ceiling. It is.. in fact.. a speaker. A speaker. In my room. And someone is... talking... through the speaker. Isn't that great? Isn't that just... great?

    "All students please report to the cafeteria." Says a Russian accent.

    So sexy. I am just... just so... captivated- yeah. I'm just captivated. Captivated by his voice. It has just... captivated me.

    Sighing, I trudge out of my room. In the corridors, there are other students walking about. They all began to stare at me. They just stared at me. It's like they have never seen such beauty before. 

    Pushing my thick-framed glasses up my nose, I shyly walk along as if they aren't even there. 

   As I enter the cafeteria, I begin searching for a place to sit. So many.... people. I'm just amazed at how many people there are. At the very front of this... lunch thing... stands a tall, handsome- must I say- man. He is quite pale. Quite pale. His head it is... Bald. Quite bald. Very bald. So bald.

   "Students, sit." He proclaims, and I immediately recognize his voice. The voice. The man who was talking through the speaker. Again, I am overwhelmed by the sexiness of his voice. So Russian. 

   I sit down at a small, empty table. Nobody sits by me. I wonder why. Hmm...

   "So here it is," begins the voice, "the start of a new school year."

   I shut my mouth, which was, indeed, hanging open, to listen to this brilliant man. And, I mean, he is just so brilliant.

   "As we all know, Bigly University is the most prestigious school around. We rely on you to keep it that way." He states, and students all around begin to cheer.

   "Hush, now," he says, "so with this new school year, I expect you all to be on your best behavior."

   Students smile and nod along. 

   "So of course, I will have to go through the rules. Say it with me now, all of you," he gestures as all the others' chime in, "rule number one: always be on time. To everything. Rule two, always wear your uniforms. And, finally, rule number three: if somebody upsets you, nuke them. Congratulations everyone, and welcome to the new school year!" Students begin cheering and I am left confused.


   As everyone is standing up, cheering, I begin to sliver my way through the crowd. Such a big crowd, look at all of them. I'm just thinking- I've got to get out of here.

   I rush back to my room, beating the crowd. Closing the door behind me, I let out a huge breath. That was wild. See, I was sent here because my dad gave me a small loan of a million dollars, and told me to go to any school- any school, any school I dreamed of. Of course, I could have gone to Yale, or Harvard, or even... Princeton... I could have. But, I didn't. And, that, everyone. That is what makes me such a smart, talented man. Instead, I chose this Bigly University. 

   And this is how it all began.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2018 ⏰

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