Spock. [smutty]

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   Spock, your boyfriend of a year, had left the science lab, leaving you to finish the experiment all on your own. You huffed, shaking your head. "Ensign Smith, could you assist me?" You spoke, needing some help with the trail. "Of course." he spoke, making his way over to you. You could feel his eyes on you for most of the time. You tried to focus completely on the experiment but you couldn't help but feel interested in the ensign. Spock never gave you much affection in a work setting. He had finally adjusted to you kissing his cheek. At first he would kindly ask you not to, you kindly ignored him every time. The ensign began to pour potassium chlorate into the beaker. "No, that's a glucose solution!" You shouted, taking the beaker from him. The purple flame was just high enough to burn your wrist as you snatched the beaker from him. You winced, trying your best not to let out a string of curse words. "Ow! F-" You stopped yourself, cursing in your head. All you wanted to do was scream out your pain. "I'm so sorry!" The ensign exclaimed. He took you over the emergency station, treating your burn. You winced at every touch, the wound didn't even blister. He wrapped your wrist, gently. "There you go." He said as he secured your wrap. "Thank you." You mumbled, taking the ice pack he handed to you. You held it to your wrist for a few minutes. You set the ice pack on the counter.

         "Is there any way I can make this up to you?" the ensign asked. You hadn't even heard the door to the lab open. "Ensign Smith, I have told you many times today. It is fine. It was purely an accident." You stated, looking at the kid. He was three years younger than you, giving you the right to refer to him as a kid. You smiled to yourself, Spock never understood why you liked calling people kid. Truthfully, you started because it annoyed the hell out of the captain when you called him kid. "Perhaps I could take you out to dinner tonight? A beautiful girl like yourself sh-" He was cut off by a certain Vulcan clearing his throat. "Lieutenant y/l/n, could I speak with you in the hall?" Spock asked, raising a brow at the ensign. You nodded, walking out behind Spock. "Would you care to explain what was happening in there?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest. "It was nothing Spock, I promise." You stated, you knew he was having trouble believing you. You could tell by the look in his eyes. "I highly doubt that lieutenant." He stated. You knew a nerve had been struck in him, he called you lieutenant in a private setting. He smashed his lips onto yours before you could even respond. He pulled your body against his, your hands rested on the back of his neck. He held your hips, pressing them against his. He slid his tongue into your mouth, fighting for dominance. "Jump." he mumbled, holding you up by the bottom of your thighs as you obeyed his orders. He pressed you against the wall, smirking into the kiss. He pulled away, setting you back down on your feet, leaving you frazzled from his actions. "I think it's best you return to your post, lieutenant. We'll finish this tonight." He sent you a wink. Your cheeks blazed red as you walked back into the lab. You didn't even know how to react. A smirk formed on your face. You looked at the ensign, smiling. He had no chance, especially after the episode in the hallway.

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