I Know You Do. [Kirk]

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Credit goes to: http://www.quotev.com/Simba2

You glanced behind your shoulder and groaned: another "Kirk attack" was headed your way. You sped your pace up and looked down, but he quickly caught up to you.
"Hey, _y/n_, I'm free tonight. Do you want to have dinner tonight or something?"
"Well, I'm not free tonight. I have to do... er...things. So, polite pass, Captain" You blushed. You could never tell the Captain your feelings;you knew how he was with women. Jim smirked.
"Call me Jim," he told you. "And, by the way your blushing, you don't have anything planned for tonight." he practically towered over you, making you feel vulnerable.
"Jim, please!"
"Please what?" He asked innocently.
"Ugh!" You pushed past him and headed to the bridge, ignoring the fact that he was following you.
"_y/n_, as Captain I order you to have dinner with me tonight." you stopped in your tracks and swiveled, noticing he was merely inches from you.
"Jim, leave me alone!"
"Cute nose ring." He smirked, tipping his head and taking a step closer.
"Thanks," you said in surprise, most of the crew gave you disproving looks at you.
"So, what ARE you doing tonight?" He asked nonchalantly.
"Nothing," you admitted. "Now will you please leave me alone?" He pondered this.
"If you have dinner with me tonight."
"NO!" you cried, exhasperated. "I dont EAT in front of people! Especially you, Jim Kirk!" He raised his eyebrows at your remark, and you pressed your hands to your warm cheeks.
"Why not especially me?" he grinned. "Are you hiding something from me?" He noticed you had backed up quite a bit, and cornered you, causing you to stumble. he caught you by your waist and noticed the tip of a scar peeking out of the collar of your uniform. "Whats this?"
"Um... Kahn gave it to me. at the Academy." Your face was on fire, and his was inches away.
"You like me. I know you do, _y/n_. I can see it in your eyes." You look away. "Its okay if you do. I like you too."
"Well, im afraid you'll just use me for what you want and drop me." You whispered, ashamed. He tilted your chin and forced you to look at him.
"Your different." He said. "Your special." He kissed your nose. "See you at, dinner, _y/n_." he straightened you and headed onto the bridge, leaving you in silent shock.
bones walked past you and smirked, knowing what Jim had done.

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