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Kelsey's POV // Sydney, Australia

It happened, he kissed me.

I can't believe it.

I look him in the eyes and give him the biggest smile I've probably given anyone in my life.

I had gotten a spontaneous burst of confidence after everyone else left, I wanted to talk about this morning but didn't know how to say it. My mouth moved faster than I could think, and so did he. I wasn't really caught off guard when he did kiss me. I think he knew exactly what I was going to say before I could even get to it myself. That's how we've always been. We know each other so well that we can tell something is off from a mile away, and we can always tell when something is on each other's mind. Even when we fight, which hasn't happened too often, we make sure to leave it on the right foot. I don't feel scared to take a risk and talk about something important with him, which is something I've only been able to find in a handful of friendships. The only problem is, I don't know how to say what I'm feeling sometimes. That's why it had been easier for me to lie before, but I never felt comfortable doing it. I never want to put something so stable and good at risk, and that's why I still want us to talk about it. But that's also why I feel like this is so right. The sense of comfort I feel around him is unmatched.

But, a rational side of me kicks in and I remember that now, I'm leaving in two months to move thousands and thousands of miles away. Though this has been a long time coming, this is going to be the hardest thing I've ever had to do. It was already going to be so fucking difficult, and with the stronger feelings that I inevitably I'm going to develop, it's gonna feel like a knife to my gut. But if I still get to love him, it is so worth it.

We sit down, and he puts his hands on my waist, and I get lost in him again. After making out for quite a while, I put my hand on his cheek, and he starts to talk.

"I know we need to talk about this more but...we're supposed to be at the bar in about 10 minutes," Ashton says as a look into his eyes.

"Okay, I'm going to get ready really, really quickly, since this is a celebration, after all," I tell him, and he nods, giving me a smile. I rush inside and changing out of my sweatpants and into a cute dress.

"Wanna go?" I ask.

We get into his car and start driving to the bar, and I get a thought.

"So, what are we going to tell everyone?" I say.

"We don't have to tell them...yet. If you don't want to, it might be fun if it's our secret...at least for now," He says, giving me a smirk and grabbing my hand.

"Ooh..that does sound fun...we're doing it. We don't want to steal Luke and Jocelyn's thunder, after all. We just got them to confess last night," I say, raising my eyebrows. He laughs at me as we park and walk into the bar. As soon as we walk through the door, we act as if nothing was different. Luckily, everyone else left us seats next to each other. Luke and Jocelyn are sitting really close to each other, looking like they're in their own world, and Calum and Michael are having their own conversation.

"AYYYY there she is!!" Calum yells, and I do a little twirl.

"Ms. Ivy Leagueeee!" Michael exclaims, and I know he's at least had a couple of shots already. He pulls out one of the chairs, and gestures for me to sit.

"That's me!" I say back, giving him a fist bump.

"I'm buying you a celebratory shot, be right back," Michael says, and he rushes to the bar.

"He really just wanted an excuse to get wasted for the second night in a row, didn't he?" Luke says to me with a laugh.

"I mean, I'm always looking for a reason to go to out any night of the week, so I'm not judging, I won't be able to go to the bars in America anyway, so I'll take advantage while I can," I laugh back.

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