Ch.52 Everything stays

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Shinigami sighs as she comes across a small house in the city of Japane. She just wanted to be alone after everything that happened. She couldn't shack off the horrible truth that happened to her mother, it truly had broken her. She needed to find herself and best way to do that is to be alone.

Shinigami held her cat Midnight in her hands as she enters the small house. No one lived here... well not anymore at least. It's been at least 6 years since anyone had lived here. The landlord still comes and tightens up everything in the house to make everything brand new but that was it.

Shinigami looks around the house and sees that everything in the house was still the same. The same brown couch with flower decorated pillows, the same small crappy TV set, the chairs, the table, the kitchen, carpin and the two bedrooms where the same.
Nothing had changed in the house, it like everything in her childhood home was untouched.

She walks towards a table and sees a picture of an asain woman with long black hair holding a baby girl.

Shinigami looks at the picture sadly.

"I loved you so much mother" Shinigami whispers.

"Mewo ?"

Shinigami sees a bigger cat with brown and white fur walking towards. A smile grew on Shinigami's face.

"Big kitty" Shinigami coils as she picks up the big cat and hugs him. Bug kitty purrs regonizing Shinigami.

Big kitty was the house's mouse catcher cat, that Shinigami's fatehr had brought just incase of any mouse indruders came uninvited. It wasn't a family pet in his eyes but in Shinigami's eyes it was cat who's main mission in life wss to get cuddles. Big Kitty always stayed in closet because it was always cold in the house and the closest was the warmest.

"Oh how I missed you so much" Shinigami smiles as she notices the water and food bowl in the kitchen.

"The land lord must feed you" Shinigami said as she takes her cats to the couch and lays down on it.

Midnight lays next to her side while big kitty laid on Shinigami's stomach purring.

"You guys use to be my only friends" Shinigami whispers as she takes out Mikey's t-phone she had took with out him knowing. She just wanted something to remember him.

She frowns looking at it.

"I miss you so much"


2 weeks later,

Mikey grins as he runs across the rooftops. It's been two weeks since he, Raph and thire new friends returned to new york. Raph was in huge trouble for leaving the lair and heading out to Japan with out permission so he is grounded for 5 weeks Mikey wasn't in trouble for leaving because Master Splinter was relived to see him alright.

Donnie had been helping Akane/Aploxe, Karasu, Rai who been calling himself mondo gecko with thire mutations. Tikki had left to fly the nights skies of new york while Ariri stayed to help the othes with thire mutations.

Leo's rib cage had finial healed which Mikey was glad to see.

Everything was great, Mikey was finally home. He had new skills and new confidence in himself. But something was missing.... no someone was missing. Mikey missed Shinigami. He wanted to see her again.

Mikey notices a black cat in front of him. Mikey smiles because he loves cats so he pets it.

"I see you still a cat person" purrs a voice fimilar to Mikey.

A turtle's self Journey (Sequel to A turtle's self doubt, Mikey×Shinigami story)Where stories live. Discover now