· Introduction ·

Start from the beginning

Before she had even realized it the sun had already set and the stars offered their blank reflections throughout the sky. She quickly got up and set everything the way she had originally found it. Though she had done this before and repeatedly gotten away with it she certainly wasn't planning on being caught any time soon.

Joseph's brother Robin usually came in after hours to do a few routine inspections as well as security checks ever since word spread around town there was "a burglar runnin' lose" among the streets and "best be prepared before that there burglar snatch up what's precious and rob ya'll folk blind." At least, that's how Aunt Mare always put it.

Aunt Mare was one of the town's oldest living founding fathers so to speak. She was there when the previous mayor years ago first established the town. Mare came from the South so her accent and the way she worded things at times was a hardly understandable. She was considered to be the wisest women in the whole town and if she starts preaching you better pray to god you listen or you'll be in for it.

Robin would be at the market within a matter of time and Jane wanted to make sure she was nowhere to be found when he arrived. She put her dish once holding the pie slice in the dishwasher so it blended in with the other dishes that had been placed there throughout the day and sped out the back door.

Jane had just barely made her escape when she realized she hadn't re-locked the front door, Robin would be suspicious for sure. She stopped, contemplating the decision of whether it would be worth going back but before she could finish that thought she was immediately blinded as a bright light flooded over her.

She shielded her eyes, startled and confused before her eyes adjusted and she saw Robin standing in front of her with a flashlight shining on her from his hand. Robin was younger than Joseph but only by about a year and a half and he looked very similar to his brother with the exception of his hair style and slimmer stature. His hair was short and straight rather than his brothers medium length hair with curled ends.

Joseph was a well built male for his age and and Jane loved the shirts he wore that displayed his muscular biceps. Robin on the other hand though still reasonably well built wasn't as physically strong but the advantage he had over his brother was brain. He's mature for his age and is often considered the older one in comparison if age weren't taken into account.

"So your the burglar everyone's been fussing over." He started to say, his arms now crossed over his chest.

"Robin it's not what you think, well I mean it probably is but-"

He interrupted, "What am I gonna do with you Jane. This is at least the tenth time and I can't just let you get away with this. You know what your doing is a crime punishable by jail time right?"

"I know but just let me explain-"

"How could you do this..? We were nice to you, we helped you in classes and even with your homework and this is how we get treated? This is bad for business Jane you know that. Even the 'small things' you think you've done have cost us hundreds in repairs and insurance, not to mention that display case you so casually broke the other week."

"I know, I know but you don't understand Rob just-"

"I'm going to have to call someone Jane, I can't let behaviour like this continue. I get it we're friends and all but I can't let this go unpunished."

"Can't we work something out..? I'm sorry Robin I'll do anything, you just don't understand how hard it's been for me lately.." Jane let out a soft depressed sigh and he obviously took pity on her. He looked away biting his lip before returning his eyes to meet hers.

"Maybe. I'll ask my brother tomorrow and see if there's something we can do. Maybe you can work in our shop to pay off some of the damages and inventory you've consumed without payment. Come by the shop tomorrow morning and we'll talk more then."

Jane started to smile, relieved, and nodded before hurrying off. She wanted to escape this situation as quickly as possible. She was glad Robin let her go so easily but she knew she'd definitely be working to earn her keep, plus interest. Maybe it wouldn't be all bad but she figured she should rest on it.

She walked a few blocks down to an old apartment complex where she had found a room towards the back of the building near the basement. It was mostly empty apart from old boxes, rusty tools and some dusty furniture. It wasn't the warmest place she'd ever stayed but it was secluded, quiet and far from prying, judging eyes.

She sat down on the few blankets she had been able to collect and laid down releasing a much needed sigh, finally being able to relax. She thought about her father and hoped he was doing okay but what she thought about and wanted most was someone to love her. Someone she could love in return. Someone who wouldn't abandon her the way everyone else seemed to. She kept this in mind as she closed her eyes and with a final soft sigh she slipped into a deep sleep.

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