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     It was minutes before midnight. A tall, well built man who looked to be in his forties was walking in the woods. His eyebrows were furrowed in anguish. He quickened his steps until he came to a halt when a large, dark wolf approached him, slowly.
     The wolf was whining. The man slowly placed his hand between the wolf's eyes. "I'm sorry, brother" he said, swallowing hard as his face softened. He looked hurt. The wolf shifted and turned into a man. The first man automatically removed his hand as he did. He was younger and shorter than the first one.

     His eyes were puffy from crying and tears were still brimming in his eyes. "Father's gone, Marvin!!" He belowed, marching towards a tree, kicking it. It's trunk immediately went 'snap' and broke. "Terrance, you need to get a better hold of yourself" Marvin warned.

     "First our brother Aron, and now Father? I'LL KILL HIM! I'LL KILL WHOEVER DID THIS!!" Terrance continued, cluctching his silky, dark hair with both hands. "We will find who killed him. One way or another." Marvin said.
     "He was a great person, leave alone being the leader, he was a father to us all! Who would do such a thing??!!!" Terrance said slouching on the floor.

     "Oh little brother, you are naive as you are young. He was a powerful wolf, too powerful. People like him create enemies just by their presence. They wanted his power. This is how the world works, you either live or die. You kill or you get killed. It's everyone for themselves. Being a great person doesn't matter anymore" Marvin said.

     Terrance just stared at him with a blank expression on his face. After a long moment of silence, Marvin finally spoke, "Come, we must enter the circle". He started walking, leading the way as Terrance followed, blinking away his tears.

     They walked through the woods for nearly five minutes until a small light came into view. They continued walking and reached a clearing with a huge bon-fire surrounded by many people of different ages and many large wolves. They were all silent, staring at the burning body in the flames.

     When they noticed the presence of the brothers, they all turned, bowing their heads in respect.

     Marvin cleared his voice and began to speak. "Tyson, the great alpha wolf. We are all dissapointed and depressed for your loss. I am sorry for not giving you enough time to mourn but law is law, and it is very likely that the person who killed him is indeed one of our own pack.".

     "I, Terrance, third son of Tyson, will use the 'second sight' to identify who it is if the murderer is still amongst us. By killing an alpha, he will recieve his power and strength, hence also recieving his aura which is impossible to conceal. If the killer is not here, mark my words, I will be the first to hunt him down and rip his heart out of his chest." Terrance said, through gritted teeth.

      All those who were wolves shifted into their human forms, forming a circle around the fire.

     Terrance's eyes changed from blue to gold. One by one he would stare at each of them intently. No one dared say a word until he reached a 16 year old boy named Jason. He stared at him for a long while. Jason only stared back but squinted after what happened next.... "IT'S HIM!!!!" Terrance thundered.

     Jason swiftly shifted into a very large red wolf. The same form the previous alpha had. Terrance was about to change form when Jason deeply scratched his chest, buying him time to get away.

     Terrance was groaning and clutching his chest, lying on the ground. Everything happened so fast that it took a while for Marvin to realize what had just happened. "Alex! Henry! Joseph!" He yelled and they obediently followed him as he chased after Jason.

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