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     "We must return Marvin. We are all tired and we will never find him at this rate" Joseph said as the small leading pack were walking down an un-familiar street.

     "How dare you!" Marvin thundered, "Does not Tyson's death mean anything to you!!?? I can see you are not enraged by this unfortunate event! I would not be surprised if it was to unfold that you took part in his death! Because you seem too inconsiderate"

     "So now you believe that that young boy couldn't have killed him by himself" Alex cut in the conversation leading them into a small diner.

     Henry hadn't spoken at all however. He was lost in thought.

     "Tyson was very powerful, Jason couldn't have killed him by all means" Alex continued as they sat at a table, winking at a waitress who was passing by, making her blush.

     "Will you stop that!" Joseph snapped, "Now none of them will wait at our table!"

     "What? It is certainly not my fault that most women are shy....around me ofcourse" Alex said in defense, smirking.

     It was true. Alex's aura was just too alluring. And given his figure, he was the type hard to resist. Alex had always been the rebel in the pack. He had ginger hair, hazel eyes, had no facial hair and always wore a sly grin. He wasn't that tall though. He was always free spirited and daring.

     While Henry was the thoughtful and silent one. Who would speak when needed to. He is more reserved and practical. He was Jason's best friend despite that he was 21. He looked about 17 or 18. He was scrawny. He had dark brown wavy hair and his eyes were grey and stormy. He was the youngest.

     Being the oldest,  Joseph on the other hand was the loyal follower who gave insights on an emotional level. He looked more human than the rest of them. Bearded and a brunette, he would always be there for you no matter what.

     Marvin is the second son of Tyson. The previous Alpha. His older brother Aron, was killed. And he has always felt guilty for not giving him justice. Now he feels obliged to protect his little brother Terrance.

     Of the pack, he is the leader. Though hot-tempered. In his forties. He had intense brown eyes and dark hair. He gave off a difficult aura. You do not want to upset him. That is a day he will make you regret.

    He is deeply sorrowed by his Father's death. He loved him very much. More than he likes to admit. But his mind lingers as to why he hasn't turned into an Alpha. He has been waiting for his pack to mention or realize any changes in him since his father passed away. He has been focusing on his aura but it hasn't changed.

     In the line of the Alpha wolves. The first son automatically becomes an alpha at a certain age, or when an alpha dies. If the first son dies, the second son or if not, the remaining offspring becomes an Alpha.

     You know you're an Alpha when your size changes considerably and when your fur turns red, giving off an intense aura.

     It is possible however to recieve an alpha wolf's trait by killing one, even though you will not be considered as one that is true and will not have a strong connection with the pack.

     And another can take those traits from you by killing you.

     "If it were upto me, I would say Jason did not do it at all." Henry said.

     "Have you all gone insane!" Marvin belowed, "You saw how his aura changed! He ran away for a reason! I understand that he was your good friend, but I just don't understand why you are ignoring the facts when it's all so clear!"

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