We both lean close, and then my phone rings, almost piercingly loud. We jump apart, and I check my phone to see my mom calling me. I also see that there were 4 other missed calls for her. Oh fuck. I don't think I told her I was here. Why didn't I hear my phone go off before?

"I'm so sorry, I have to take this," I say awkwardly, scrambling up and walking out to the hallway. 

"Hey mom, I am so so sorry I didn't tell you where I was, I--" I start.

"Kelsey, it's okay. I ended up calling Jocelyn and she said you were at Ashton's! I'm calling because I need you to get home, right now," My mom interrupts and explains.

"I'll be there as soon as I can. I love you," I say, hanging up. I walk back into Ashton's room and he is standing up, looking as if he was waiting to say something to me. 

"Ashton, I need to go home, my mom says she and my dad need me to come home as soon as I can...I don't know if it's good or bad or what, but she needs me to come home," I explain to him, a bit in a panic. He immediately gets a concerned look on his face.

"Do you want me to come with you?" He asks, putting his hand on my arm. 

"I think I might go alone if that's okay...I can't tell if it was going to be good or bad, but they need me there. Thank you though," I say, and I hug him before going downstairs and across the street to my house. 

What the hell could it be?

I open my door.

"Hello?" I yell into the house, and when I walk into the kitchen, I see my parents standing by the counter, an envelope sitting near them.

"Sweetie, we got this in the mail from Yale this morning...we don't know what it is, but we wanted you to be able to open it with us," My dad said, handing me the envelope.

Could this be....no. It can't be. There's no way...

I rip the top of the envelope open and slide the piece of paper out. As I unfold the letter, I see the words, "On behalf of the admissions council, I am pleased to finally be able to welcome you as a student at Yale University. You should feel very proud--"  I read, and I drop the letter.

"Oh my god! I got in! I got in!!" I exclaim, and in that very moment begin to cry because of how excited I am. My parents immediately engulf me in a hug, saying how proud they are of me, how excited they are for me, and all of the usual mushy proud-parent speeches. Oh my god, I get to go to my dream school. I can't believe this is happening! After a while of texting and calling my other relatives to share the good news, I decide to get together with my friends and tell them, because this is huge. 

"Guys, I have some really, really exciting and big news and I need to share it with you in person because I am so so excited. Meet me at my house as soon as you can get here," I text in the group chat. 

All of them immediately respond that they're on their way. I glance out the front window and look at Ashton's house, and a realization of something completely different grips me for a second. 

This means I have to leave them. Leave him. 

I see him walk out of his front door and start to make his way over to my house. At the same time, Calum's car pulls up with everyone else piled inside. 

I walk outside, feeling excited, but also unsure of how they're all going to react. 

"Hey guys, let's go to the back, yeah?" I say, and they all come with me to my backyard. We sit down and they all look at me, waiting. Here it goes.

Heartbreak Girl // A.F.IWhere stories live. Discover now