Two - Tiger's P.O.V

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Tiger's P.O.V

Anger bubbles inside of me threatening to spill out at any moment. It may not have seemed like it when I was walking down the hallway, but, my anger was slowly chipping away at my exterior until it successfully broke out as I entered my room.

This is becoming unbearable. Using every ounce of will-power I have left, I try to calm myself down and avert the panic attack I am about to have. Unfortunately, it's becoming hard to do this simple task, but, anger management is not an option for me, according to my dad.

The last time this happened was a few days ago. My emotions are becoming very powerful and sudden outbursts of anger are becoming a regular thing for me. Every time I try to keep control of my anger, it is getting stronger and stronger, this makes it harder and harder to eliminate.

Most of the time, I manage to keep it under control, but sometimes I am not as successful. All I know is that I can't let it take over again. Sighing, I slip down onto the floor of my bedroom, which was only giving me a slight feeling of comfort, making sure the floorboards don't creak in the process.

"I know you are moving around up there Tiger, I can hear the floorboards creaking. You are the heir to the throne, you should be asleep by now!"

My dad's words replay over and over again in my head until they become crystal clear.

"You are unworthy to be the king and that is final!"

Regret takes over me, coursing through my veins. My vision starts to become clouded by a dark red layer which I have seen many times. I wasn't worthy enough, I am not worthy enough, I will never be worthy enough. I can't stop the stray tear from sliding down my cheek. I don't know if it was from the anger which was taking over me or all the other emotions which were also rushing through my head.

Not long after the first tear settled, more tears escaped. A pool of tears now settled on my face. It's a good job I manage to disguise all of my emotions when I am at school, I don't know what people would do if they found out I wasn't the typical bad boy they say I am.

"I have never met anyone so reckless! The whole family is ashamed of you."

I was always told tears were a weakness, I try to avoid them at all costs. But at times like this, they always manage to take control. I can feel my walls crumble. This allows all of the forbidden memories to successfully seep through, causing me to drift away from reality for a few countless minutes.


"Mum! Mum! Mum!"

No answer


Still no answer

I watch my mum lay lifeless on the ground in front of me. How could he do this to her? More importantly, who was he?

Her blonde hair was now in knots due to the disastrous event which has just taken place. Her once plump pink lips are now sealed shut, the colour quickly draining from them. Instead of being a vibrant pink like they usually are, they are now a dull pink, signaling the end of an innocent life. Her eyes glisten underneath the stars yet no movement occurs. Without noticing, I wiped away one of her tears which was still clinging on to her bland cheeks. Then, I shift my gaze to her hand. It is covered in scratches making it visible that her death had occurred recently.

"No one can ever find out about this"

These were my mother's last words before she drifted off into a peaceful, everlasting sleep. I don't know why she doesn't want anyone to find out about it, but, I will obey her wish. My dad is just going to have to find out from someone else, I am not going against her, not now, not ever.

I let my eyes linger on her hand, hoping that she will do something. Twitch, move, anything. But nothing happens. Disappointment runs through my body. It was only now that I realized my mum would never come back. She will never hug me or comfort me or help me. I am alone in this cruel world.

I begin to pound my hands against the blood covered ground, not caring that I am damaging my hands in the process. My mum never deserved this. What could she have possibly done to deserve this? Did she deserve this? Unanswerable questions floated through my mind. I feel like a jigsaw puzzle with no one to put me back together. Tears begin to stream down my face but I carry on torturing the ground beneath me, not once pausing my act of terror. Pain jolts up my arms but I can't bring myself to stop. One thought fills my mind.

He will pay for what he has done.

Then, a feeling I have never experienced floods over me causing me to drop my hands to my sides.


*End of Flashback*

What happened? Tears begin to stain my face again. Because of this, I try to lift my hand up but I fail. Fatigue takes over me, stopping me from attempting to lift my hand up again.

What happened? My hands are shaking uncontrollably, I tense the muscles in my arms and shake my head from side to side trying to stop the shaking, but they don't stop shaking. Usually, this works.

What happened? I start to worry about why I am in this state. I try to resist the incomplete feeling in my heart, I try to build my walls back up, I try everything! But nothing happens. Until it dawns on me...

Mum, Gianna, my chance of becoming King. Gone!

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