Chapter 24

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T'Challa's POV


I looked over at Asha. And she walked over to the table where Everett Ross was laying.

"Why the hell is Ross even here?" She asked looking at me.

I shrugged, "he got shot and we can fix him." I said to her.

"So where did he get shot at?" She asked me.

"The back of his neck, it his his spinal cord, so we put a kimoyo bead in him." He said.

"What do you think is going to happen? His spine will deaerate, he will be paralyze." She said with furrowed eyebrows.

"No he will not." Nakia said. And Asha looked over to her puzzle. And I tried to shake my head at Nakia, but she did not catch on.

"Yes he will be, there is no chance that this man will ever walk." Asha said.

"Shuri can fix him with no problem." Nakia said and, and Asha looked over at me.

"So Wait this whole time you are telling me, that you could have fixed Rhodey? And you didn't! I know you've seen him, you want to bring a random man to Wakanda, that is a freaking AMERICAN AGENT, and you didn't want to help my friend T'challa?" She said to me.

"Asha I'm sorry, I just didn't trust him." I said to her.

"T'challa shut up, so you trust freaking Everett Ross? Out of all people the man who tried to put you in jail. That's freaking ridiculous, you are way smarter then that."Asha said to me which kind of shocked me that she would tell me to shut up.

"Listen Asha I know you are upset with me." I said, but she cut me off.

"You saw my friend in there, and you saw him get shot down too, you stayed in the hospital with me and you could have been doing something this whole entire time? I honestly can't stand to look at you right now T'challa. He is my best friend here he is a mentor, and you knew that. And you did nothing.And I don't want to hear any sorry's " She said to me, and she walked off to the back of jet.

I turned and looked at Okoye and Nakia.

"Well oops." Nakia said and shrugged and sat down.

"Want me to talk to her?" Okoye asked.

"No." I said and I walked to the front of the jet and Okoye flew the jet.

"If it is not one thing then it is another." I said. I looked over to Nakia and she was walking to the back.

"Nakia just leave her alone right now." I said to her and she looked at me as if I was crazy.

"T'challa, I am going to check up on my friend and see how she is doing because I have not talked to her in a few days, so do I have permission to talk to her?" She asked with a hint of a attitude in her voice.

"I do not even care." I said.

"Really T'challa?" I heard Asha say.

"So if I were to just decide to stay here in America you won't have any injections, you wouldn't care?" Asha said.

"I did not even say that to you Asha come on. I know I sounded harsh, but honestly I am just tired and I do not feel like arguing with anyone today." I said sighing.

"But no Asha I do not want you to stay in America, I want you with me." I said to her, and she walked up to me and Nakia, walked to the back giving us time to talk. I looked at her, but she starred at Everest on the table.

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