Chapter 11

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***NOTICE I know that in the movie that Nakia and T'Challa used to be a couple or whatever, but in this story they are nothing more than best friends, they just haven't seen each other in a while so they are pretty much like brother and sister, but other than that I hope you all enjoy this chapter, this is going to be in T'Challa's POV and in Asha's POV and omg everything from the dialog from the movie or the book won't be word for word, I tried to pay attention to the little conversations but they aren't word for word, just a little like the movie, but Omg y'all have no idea how much research goes in to making these books😩 but yeah I'm going to make it a little more different like with dialogue that it's original and what I wanted them to say lol*******

T'Challa's POV

We were on our way to pick up Nakia, I haven't seen her in a year or two. I was looking at the overview of all the cars that she was in, it was dark outside. I finally get to bring my other sister home, I just hope she can stay, I looked and saw the truck that Nakia was in.  I put my suit on and got ready, Asha looked at me . "Need any help king?" She said I shook my head. "I do not need mass destruction" I said and we both laughed. And she did also.

"You want me to handle it?" Okoye said I shook my head no, "I'm good Okoye I can handle this myself. I'm bringing our friend home for good."I said

She looked as me as I was about to put my mask on.

"Don't freeze." She said and smirked.

"I neva freeze." I said to her smiling and I put my mask on, and I folded my arms into a X and I dropped out of the jet and I threw kimoyo beads on the trucks to stop them from being able to run smoothly.

I hid in the trees, I heard the men with all the captives saying get ready and stuff like that. 

Then a Dog started barking and the men with the guns pointed them at me, they fired but I threw both of them to the side, and they hit the truck, I appeared to the men and they started shooting at me, and I knocked both of them out, and threw their guns to the side, then there was another person left and I was about to claw him when I heard Nakia "Not this one, he's just a boy." She said. I looked at her I missed my best friend so much she has changed a lot, looks like she grew her hair out and all.

"I will kill her stand down." I looked and saw a man who had a girl by the neck, the man said it while putting his gun to her head and shoving her I looked at him trying to calm him down and figure out a way to save her, but Okoye came in and used her sword/spear and she stabbed him through the back and he dropped to the ground, I sighed in relief.

"You froze." She said to me and smirked. "You will not speak of this to no one, get out of here and be safe." She said to them. And they thanked us.

I told Nakia about my father and she was not reluctant to leave at all, we walked into the jet, I looked around for Asha, she was in the back singing. What cant this woman do that isn't amazing in every way.

"Who is that?" Nakia asked, I smiled slightly. "Asha Abdulla. She is a now former Avenger, she now is going to be living in Wakanda for a few weeks." I said to her.

"What?" She raises her eyebrows, "An American?" She asked, "technically yes, but she is Wakandan too, do you remember when my father and your father and Okoye's father had a best friend?" I asked.

"You are talking about Abdulla? The boarder guard? The warrior?" She asked, and I nodded.

"Well that's his daughter." I said to her and her eyes got wide. Then Asha walked into where we were at. "Gah she's gorgeous." Nakia said. "She is." I said to her, and Asha smiled. "You shouldn't be talking, you're the gorgeous one." Asha said. And Nakia thanked her.

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