Chapter 4

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Cap sat on the couch.

"So do y'all know for sure what you want to do?" Captain said.

"No I haven't decided yet, I just want to hear whatever everyone has to say and then I will choose if I want to sign the Accords or not." Wanda said.

I sighed, "my decision still stands, I want to sign the Accords, I'm sorry Cap I love you, but you cannot change my mind or sway it in any way, like you always do." I said to him.

"I love you too, but the decision that you are making, isn't really intelligent, and you are one of the smartest people I know." He said to me. I looked at him confused.

"So are you saying that I'm being stupid in my decision?" I said and I sat up in my bed, getting more serious.

"I'm not saying that it is a smart decision, we are super hero's for a reason, stuff happens." He said.

"Y'all don't use me on regular missions, but when y'all are desperate and need help y'all use me as a weapon, how would you like to be used like that? Say Captain?" I said and he looked down, and didn't have a response. "Yes see you don't have a answer do you? Y'all use me for mass destruction. And I'm not a toy that, you all can just play with. And I WILL NOT sit here and let people get hurt because of us." I said.

"You just don't get it, maybe you are just not ready for that decision."  he said to me. I got highly offended.

"What the hell do you mean Rogers! I am grown just like you are, I might not be 90 years old but I do know how to make my own decisions dude. And how dare you judge me like that, don't forget that I can hear your thoughts, this whole situation would not be happening if you didn't hear your little friends name am I right? Bucky? Does that ring a bell to you? Does that hit a sore spot in your soul, I can't believe you would talk to me like that." I said to him. He stood up but I sat him back down.

"Asha—" he started but I cut him off.

"No you don't get to talk to me like I am so little child anymore. Rodgers, and you do NOT get to be pissed because you didn't get your way." I said to him.

"You are being so irrational Asha, like calm down, and just hear me out, we are the avengers yes there might be damage but we are still saving people and this world." He said.

"I will not fight this, and I don't know why you are so down to not signing anyways." I said to him. And he turned and looked at Wanda.

"Make her Wanda." He said. And I turned and glared at both of them. And Wanda backed away.

"Get out of my face Rogers, NOW." I said coldly. He looked at me.

"Do I really, need to make you leave my presence?" I asked him growing more and more angry with him.

In two hand motions, I threw open the door, and threw him out the room his body hit the wall hard, and then with another hand motion, I slammed the door shut.

And I climbed back in my bed and got under the covers. And I saw Wanda looking at me.

"What?" I asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"You are insane girl, but I do agree with you, he shouldn't have talked to you that way either." She said.

"I hope you didn't think about swaying my decision girl, because I would have ended you." I said and she laughed, and then she stopped when she didn't see me smiling.

"Are you serious?" She asked, looking a little worried for her life.

"Wow, did you not hear anything that I just preached to Captain? I do not want to see people get hurt because of me." I said.

"But you just hurt Cap." She said and I laughed.

"Girl.....really? That was nothing but a little nudge." I said and we both laughed.

"Big day ahead of us tomorrow, you ready?" She asked me.

"Of course ready as I will ever be."I said.

"I bet you are ready to see that man, that you were with." She said and I almost had forgotten about meeting T'Challa today, and the thought of him sent nervous chills throughout my body.

"How do you know?" I asked her.

"Because I was wondering why you and Tony were leaving the theater and I wanted to see what was going on... So pretty much I was being nosy." She said I laughed at her.

"But who was he anyways?" She asked, and I smiled at her.

"He's a Prince, But he looks like a freaking god." I said to her.

"How ironic you meet a prince at a movie about a prince and a princess." She said laughing, and I laughed and nodded in agreement with her."What is he prince of? And what is his name?" She asked.

"His Name is T'Challa prince of Wakanda." I said and her jaw dropped.

"Oh my gosh his father hates me!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah he might." I said to her and she looked at me crazy. What was I supposed to lie to her? I laughed at her and shrugged.

"Did he say anything about tomorrow?" She asked me and I shook my head at her.

"No he wasn't even focused on that." I said to her.

"Okay then what was he focused on then?" She asked. And I twiddled my thumbs.

"Me." I said to her.

"You? But he doesn't know you!" She said and sat up in her bed.

"That's What I said, but his guard said he's done his research on all of us and he is very intreated." I said to her.

"Aw that cute, but kind of stalkerish." She said.

"Oh and plus I am wakandan." I said to her, just to add that in the mix. And her jaw dropped.

"WHAT?!" She said and she was fully awake now. "Did you know you were?" She asked.

"Duh of course I knew, I've know I was my whole life, I used to communicate with my father in there language, and I was supposed to visit on my thirteenth birthday." I said to her and her jaw was still dropped. "Girl my father was Wakandan." I said. She was still speechless.

"I'm so mad you never told me." She said.

"Well the only people that know are, Tony, Thor, Hulk, and now you." I said.

"I was supposed to go back to Wakanda years ago, by order of my aunt that lives down in the palace but, I decided against that and left with Tony, and I vowed never to speak of living there ever again, until now." I said to her.

And she nodded. "Do you think they are trying to get you know?" She asked. And that thought never crossed my mind, in fact it kind of scared me.

"Uh I don't know." I said. "We should go to sleep, girl." I said.

"Yeah you're right, well goodnight Asha." She said.

"Goodnight Wanda I said and we both clicked our lamps off and it was now dark in our room. I thought about hat question up until I started to fall asleep.

What if they really are here for me, and what if they use me as a weapon.

And with that thought I finally fell asleep.

*********It's Sunday guy's!!! I hope y'all like this chapter buckle your seatbelts because the next chapter is full of action and dramatics, we all know why if you watched civil war!! But I really hope you liked this update and please clic on that little star ⭐️ at the bottom of the screen and if I get 10 votes I'm going to post another chapter a bonus chapter on  Monday if I get 20 ⭐️ by Monday I will post another bonus chapter on Tuesday plus the regular scheduled updated on Wednesday!!! I hope you vote thank you so much!! And comment feedback :) thank you so much!!


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