Chapter 9 leaving part. 1

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(Surprise, surprise! I'm bringing back T'Challa's POV for this chapter! Hope y'all enjoy 😊)

T'Challa's POV

I waited in the hospital with Asha, now I was in regular clothing. She was still sad that one of her best friends was hurt, she had so much hate building up in her body for Captain.

Tony and her walked into the waiting room and she sat beside me. And Tony just stood up.

"What is the news?" I asked. And he sighed.

"He will be paralyzed from the waist down, the doctors did everything they could." He said and Asha put her head down.

I could guarantee that my sister Shuri could fix him up, and he would be just fine, but I don't want to risk it.

I looked up at him. "I am truly sorry about that Mr. Stark." I said.

"This battle is over for you T'Challa, I think you should go to your people." Tony said and I shook my head no at him.

"Sort Tony that just won't be happening, I need to bring Bucky down, and you need to find wherever they are." I said to him.

"That's sort of where I am about to go now. I'll be back sooner or later, but I will find them." Tony said.

I stood up. "I'm coming too." I said to him.

"No, no need T'Challa, I can handle this." He said without giving me a chance to answer back and he turned around and he left.

I sat back down, and looked over at Asha.

"We need to follow him." She said and she stood up. "I trust him, but I don't want him to get hurt." She said to me. "So, I'm sorry I'm not asking I'm telling you, we have to go." She said and she pulled me up.

I stood up, "I know you did not have to tell me, I was just seeing what you wanted to do." I told her and laughed at her persistence, I truly admired her.

"Well come on I want to go." She said rushing me and I nodded and we walked out, of the hallway.

When we got to my jet I told Okoye to give me coordinates of Tony's plane that he was in.

We took off and followed him into the attic it seemed like.

{y'all I have no idea where that last big scene was at so I'm sorry for not putting the exact coordinates.}

"I hope he is okay." Asha said anxiously.

"Stay calm, we will find them." I said to her. I tried to calm her down.

"I think I really did make my decision though." She said and she looked at her hands, and me and Okoye both looked at hers

I really hope that she joins me in Wakanda, I feel like it would make Wakanda even more better and beautiful with her there. I thought to myself. I know I am going to fall in love with this woman, damn and I think I will fall hard too. I thought.

"I think that I am going to join you in Wakanda for a few weeks and see how I like it, I know I will have to tell Tony and will break his heart, but I just need to start living for myself and not just our team, but for me." She said, "I just am so very nervous to tell him, because he has been like my father for so long, and I just don't want to rip another very important thing from him and it be my very own fault." She said, and I nodded because she was right in every way. Tony will be heartbroken no doubt, but I feel as if he wouldn't really tell her because he does not like to express his feelings well, but I could understand him.

I am just ready to get this over with so I can go home and see my mother and my sister, maybe pick up Nakia the way. And then head home.

We finally had arrived at our location it was clearly an abandon building, me and Asha stepped out of the jet.

The Black Panther Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora