'Oh so that's where Travis and Zane are..' she thought.

As Travis points at the sky, probrably at a constellation or star while Zane answered him. She decided to finish her ice cream. So she was there, sitting infront of the sliding door, eating her ice cream and watching the two male like creepy ass fangirl who wants to kill the boy or stalking the boys that looks like their flirting with each other. Apparently she is enjoying this entertainment, even though they are just lying there,pointing at the stars.

'OKAY THIS LOOKS KIND OF ROMANTIC BUT GET ON WITH IT' she thought, as she eats her ice cream, STILL WATCHING them like a creeper.

She is still watching, until when Zane sat up and said something, with a SMILE. She can't believe what she saw, Zane is smiling? That's a very rare sight, escpecially when he has his mask down. Travis staring at him for one minute, surprise seeing  Zane's visible face with smile,but what Aph notice is the smallest blush come up in his face even though it's not that clear due to it's dark but thanks to the moon light it's visible to her eyes but not Zane's. And she see in Travis' eyes, he became helpless.


After Zane getting nervous and said something to Travis, as he replied back to him, Zane stood up from the grass,that signal Aph to throw the almost empty ice cream to the freezer and go back to couch,pretending that she is still sleeping. So she stood up and open the freezer,fast and throw the ice cream inside, with the spoon aswell. She hurriedly go to the living room,throwing herself to the couch,pretending that she is still asleep.

'HAAA NOW HE WON'T KNOW.' she though


"Oh my Irene are you serious."


"You need help. You were CREEPILY watching us through the sliding door, eating a damn ice cream. Like who the fuck does that?"

"ME....and Kawaii~chan,...... and Vlyad."

"Wait Vlyad does that?"


"How did you know he was like that?"

"I caught him watching Dante last week, but he was eating chocolate cake."

I was silent, now that I know what the fuck he was doing and know who to kill aswell.

".......Is it too late to kill Dante?"


She said, as she was laughing and turning the other heating pad on, with the pan on top.

I groan.

"You care about Vlyad that much? Now that's sweet."

After finishing cooking breakfast, we set it on the dining table while I was getting the orange juice in the fridge, I saw a cupcake behind the milk carton. I smirk.

'Did she think that hiding it behind a milk carton will make it not visible?' I thought,

I 'borrow' the cupcake,taking a huge bite of it, but when I took a bite for the second time it was gone.

'So much for borrowing..' I thought.

I secretly throw the wrapping in the bin and just went to the living room, you know like I didn't eat any cupcake hidden behind the milk carton.

Cold - A Zanvis ffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora