How Could This Happen

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Collins POV

"Don't you have to leave right now?" I yelled. I heard a loud bang followed by sprinting footsteps, before Devan rounded the corner.

"Yes, I do have to leave right now and I'm going to be late!" Said Devan nearly out of breath. "can you help me carry this stuff to the car." Devan gestured to his paintings and a bag full of who knows what.

"Is all this really necessary?" I asked as I picked it all up.

"It's better to have more than enough"

"I thought you were just dropping it off though?" I set his supplies on the back seat.

"I am."

"Why do you need all your art supplies then?"

"Just in case." Answered Devan before driving off. I had a bad feeling, I should be going with him.

"Arn't you going to the park today to do some magic tricks?" Asked my mom as I walked inside, I had completely forgotten about that.

"Shoot, I completely forgot about that!" I sprinted up stairs and grabbed a deck of cards and my bag of random things for my magic tricks before I headed for the park.

Devan's POV

It took forever to drop my paintings off, the guy wanted to talk forever, then show me everything he's painted, but I finely got to leave, my stomach wouldn't stop growling. I got in my car and put my supplies on the back seat. I put the key in the ignition but the car wouldn't start.

"That's weird ." I said to myself, I tried again and decided it sounded like the battery was dead, so I got out of the car and opened the hood. A chill went through my entire body, the battery was gone. I knew that meant only one thing, but before I could react I felt a solid wack on the head and immediately blacked out.

Collins POV

Devan had been gone for a long time and I began to get worried.

"Mom!" I yelled "What time was Devan Supposed to get back?"

"I thought he was already back." she gave me a blank worried look.

"I'm going to call him" I said with a calm voice, I didn't want to get her worried too. I called him a few times but he never answered, I gave him a few minutes then called again, but still no answer. I was nervous now.

"Mom, he won't answer." her face went slightly pale.

"Lets give him a few minutes and if he doesn't answer we'll drive to where he dropped the paintings off." she said. I nodded my head in agreement.

I called Devan again after about a half an hour, but still nothing. My mind started going over everything bad that could happen, and I nearly freaked out, but I knew better.

"I think we should drive to where he dropped his paintings off, maybe he's still there and can't answer his phone for some reason." said my mom in a calm manner. So we all piled in the car and were on our way. When we pulled into the parking lot a heavy wait lifted off my chest, Devan's car was still parked here.

"There's his car." Said my dad "but why is his door open, and the hood up?" we pulled up next to his car, the door was open and the hood was up but no one was there, I felt a cold chill travel through my body and my face felt warm. We all got out of the car, I saw the keys on the ground and picked them up.

"you guys, his keys are here." My heart started to race as I saw Mom and Dads faces go pale. Dad walked over to the front of the car.

"The batteries gone." he said in an astonished and scared voice, "the latch on the hood is broken too."

"You mean..." Mom started to say before I interrupted her.

"He's been kidnapped?" my heart dropped, my legs felt weak and the world suddenly felt so far away.

Collins get in the car, were going to the police station immediately!" Said my dad rushing us back into the car before he flew out of the parking lot.

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