E l e v e n / with you

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Y/n's POV

We were now waiting for Frank as we got into the limo together.

"So.. where we going to?" I asked Finn.

"I don't know, maybe to the grove?" He asked as a smile planted on my face.

"Sure" I say but soon after interrupted by the limo door closing and Frank buckling his seat belt.

"Seat belts on?" He checked as we replied with something along the lines of 'yes'.

"To the grove!" I whisper-shouted as Frank began to drive away.

"Finn?" I asked.

"Ye ma love" He replied.

I brought out my phone and pressed on his contact.

I pushed the bubble message icon and started typing.


Bby gurl<3: Why are you shaking? x

Finn🐸❤️: I just don't feel well..

Bby gurl<3: It's okay, you can talk to me <3

Finn🐸❤️: No.

Finn🐸❤️: I'm fine.

I looked up and saw Finn with tears in his eyes.

I moved closer to him and gave him a big hug.

"Baby? What's wrong?" I asked but no answer, just light fragile sniffles to be heard.


"I-it's fine, I- d-don't want you to s-s-see me like th.. this" he cried out making a few tears run down my face.

"You can tell me, I won't be upset.." I looked up at the boy and lifted his chin up so we could see eye to eye.

He leaned in and smashed our lips together stopping both of our tears to flow down.

"If it was that bad I'd tell you" He forced a smile from the used to be tears.

He pulled me to him as I laid my head on his lap as he played with my hair.

At the grove..

We walked near the entrance with Finn, Frank and I as we headed to the movie theatre.

As we get to the cinema we saw that 'a quiet place' was playing at 11:27am.

"Wanna watch that movie?" Finn asked looking were I was staring.

"Sure, why not?" I smiled checking the time.

As I checked the time both me and Finn could see it had just turned 11:00am.

"Perfect, let's get some food while we're at it" Finn wrapped his arm around me as we headed to the small cue of 3 or less people.

Before we knew it we were next in line..

"Hey how are you?, could I get 2 tickets to 'a quiet place' please" Finn explained to the young adult on the other side.

"Sure, here you go" She said giving Finn the tickets and smiled at me as I gave the kind gesture back.

We got out of the line and headed for the food line.

I looked down at my phone again.. 11:08am

As we got in line for the food it was a bit longer then before but not too big of a deal.

By the time it was our turn it took probably a good 10minutes..

"Hello how are you today?, I would like to have a.." Finn started but stopped as he looked at me.

"Medium Popcorn?" He questioned me while also letting the man know as I nodded.

The man repeated what Finn said while punching in a few buttons of our request on an iPad.

"And also 2 large Coca Colas And chocolates" He smiled looking at me.

I smiled back and snuggled into his chest.

"Proceed over here please" the man said pointing to a similar area to pick up your orders.

Me and Finn did what he said as a couple minutes or so our food came back.

We headed outside the theatre quickly to Frank.

Finns POV
I told Y/n to wait at a bench we're I walked off and talked to Frank.

"No funny business, call me whenever and I will answer but make sure no one suspicious is seen around this mall, got it?" I asked frank.

"Yes Mr Wolfhard" He commanded after walking away from the theatre as I made my way back to my amazing girlfriend.

"Hey baby, you ready to go?" I asked as she closed her phone and put it in her back pocket.

"Yep, it's 11:25am so the ads should be starting now" She smiles as I just nodded and proceeded to walk to the ticket checker.

We showed him our tickets and we made our way to cinema 7.

Hey guys it's Lena, not rly a cliffhanger but more liek a.. bItCh I aM tOo lAzIeEeEe tO mAkE tHiS cHaPtEr lOnGeR, type of thing :), lol bye y'all love youseeee - Lena 💞💞

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