Chapter 27: Taming the Dragon

Start from the beginning

The creature begins circling above them, everyone flinches in fear, but the daughter of the Dark One remains completely calm, trying to make a connection with the female dragon again. She was trying to find out more until she sees a flash of Emma's white magic about to attack.

"Wait don't!" Crystal says.

"What why?!" Regina asks.

"I don't think she wants to hurt us."

"SHE?" Emma asks.

"Yes, it's a she."

"What the bloody hell does it want then?" Killian asks, grabbing Emma's arm to protect her.

"She's scared, she sees us as a threat of some kind. I don't think she wants us to go near her friends... watch..."

Crystal takes a step towards the pile of teenagers still unconscious in the middle of the street and the dragon growls loudly. She then takes a step away and the growling stops.

"She must know them," the young adult concludes.

"But how are we supposed to help them if she won't let us near them?" Emma asks.

"We have to show her that we're not a threat to them or her, which means the magic has to go away."

"You can't be serious?" the former Evil Queen gasps.

"It's the only way she'll calm down. She is a lot like Maleficent and Lily, scarily so. She's human but can change into a dragon. We need her to turn back to normal, so we can talk. We need to be super careful in human form too, she also has powerful magic."

"Interesting," Rumpelstiltskin purrs.

"Dad don't even think about it!" Crystal snaps.

"What about the Ursula thing on the clock tower?" Emma asks.

"She's safe for now, let's focus on one thing at a time. So first, we need to power down the magic."

The daughter of the Dark One is the first to power down her magic, the purple magic leaving her hands. She stares at the Saviour and the former Evil Queen, giving them an insistent look to listen to her. If they wanted to protect the town, they'd have to show they weren't going to attack this she-dragon. Very slowly, both women let the lights in their hands' flicker and go out completely, they were hesitant to do so, but as soon as they did, the dragon's demeanour changed. The growling stops, and she seemed to circle less and less. The dragon's wings seem to slow down enough that she is hovering just above the buildings and is close enough where she can face the protectors of the town, her eyes looking at them uncertainly.

"Weapons too," Crystal says.

With a deep sigh, Killian also puts his cutlass back on his belt, but his good hand remains on the handle, just in case the beast decides to change her mind.

With all the courage she can muster, Crystal takes a step towards the hovering dragon.

"It's okay," she says loudly. "We don't want to hurt you or your friends. We were just surprised by everything and we see dragons more often than you think. We're like you... we have magic like you. I know you're like Maleficent."

Everyone notices a shift in the dragon's eyes. They no longer look angry and they seem to glow with less aggression. At the mention of the name, the dragon slowly lowers herself down until her four claws reach the street level. Her wings fold inwards, but not without taking a few shingles off some of the buildings and loosening a gutter pipe. The creature seems to wince at the damage she does. Her claws also scrape up some of the asphalt as she lands, but Crystal gives her a reassuring smile.

"We can fix that later," she says gently.

The dragon's wings fold in like she was covering herself for protection, then a cloud of light purple smoke engulfs the form. It then seems to shrink and with a poof, there is a human girl standing in the place of the dragon.

Everyone is shocked by how young the girl is. She begins to pat areas of her purple leather jacket and outfit that were smoking. She has light purple hair that reaches a little bit over her shoulders and has bangs hovering over her eyes. Her eyes are green with flecks of gold within them. She wears a purple leather jacket with patches of green mixed in, along with gold studs everywhere on the outfit. She has a few belt chains at her hips and wears blue jeans and what looks almost like combat boots. She could pass for a punk rocker at a concert. She looks at the group of adults with confusion, but there was no longer anger on her face. Emma and Regina recognize that look that she's masking fear, trying to appear to be tough, as they too had used the expression many times in their pasts.

Crystal is the first to take a step closer to this girl, and she takes a step back.

"It's okay," Crystal says calmly. "We don't want to hurt you."

"I don't want to hurt you either," she says in a low voice. "Now what did you say about my mother?"

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